How many eggs can you eat each week to stay in shape?

Did you know? This Friday, October 11, 2024, was World Egg Day – yes, it exists! The egg is an extremely interesting food for health: first of all, it is a gold mine in terms of proteins with (on average) 12.7 g of protein per 100 g of egg (mainly in the white).

Then, the egg is hyper-concentrated in vitamins: these are mainly vitamins A (in 100 g of egg, we find 28% of the recommended daily intake), D, B2, B5 and B12. These vitamins are particularly well preserved when the egg is lightly cooked – soft-boiled eggs or boiled eggs, for example. Finally, although low in calories (barely 150 Kcal per 100 g), the egg is very filling, which makes it the ally of people who want to lose weight.

How many eggs per week? It all depends on your cholesterol level

Yes, but here it is: eggs are regularly criticized for their cholesterol content. In excess, this food would be harmful to the cardiovascular system. What is it really?

Questioned by our colleagues from, dietitian-nutritionist Isabelle Proudy responds: “if the person does not have high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), she can consume it between 8 and 12 per week. On the other hand, for a person who has high cholesterol, it is better to eat it between 4 and 6 per week.

As a reminder, we say that the cholesterol level is too high when the total cholesterol exceeds 2 g/L of bloodand that the LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) is greater than 1.3 g/L of blood. The level of HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol), for its part, is considered too low when it is less than 0.35 g/L of blood.

For egg whites, there is no limit

Attention : This recommendation also includes egg-based preparations. In short: if you use 4 eggs in your quiche Lorraine, these are 4 eggs that must be removed from your weekly account. However, the dietician-nutritionist emphasizes that this limit only applies to egg yolks. For egg whites (which contain little cholesterol), no reason to limit yourself!

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