Is your calf strength enough to run? Getting on a gurney is one of the most important movements of a walker and a runner. Test how many times you can stand on one leg.
Do repetitions every second: 1 second up, 1 second down. According to one study, 30 repetitions would be a good guiding goal when you want to switch to running. If the amount remains at 10–15 repetitions, it is worth doing strengthening movements regularly about three times a week. Try the move below!
Take light support from the wall or the edge of the table and stand firmly on one leg. Stand up on one leg at a leisurely pace. When the calf muscles start to tire, gently help with your hand to lighten the weight and stand up three more times.
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➤ Repeat the movement twice for both legs, taking a short break in between. Exercise every other day.
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The jump was designed by physiotherapist Pia Nirkko.
This article has appeared in Hyvä tervey magazine. As a subscriber, you can read all issues free of charge from the digilehdet.fi service.
Source: www.hyvaterveys.fi