How MPs are taking up (or not) the revelations about nurseries

ERIC CABANIS / AFP How MPs are responding (or not) to the revelations in the book “Les Ogres” – Illustrative photo


How MPs are responding (or not) to the revelations in the book “Les Ogres” – Illustrative photo

POLITICS – Early 2022, the book The GravediggersVictor Castanet’s actions had led to two administrative investigations, legal action, the dismissal of Orpea’s CEO and the takeover of the group by the State. The Ogresthe journalist’s new book, this time devoted to the serious failings of private daycare centers, will it have the same impact? In the National Assembly, some elected officials are already showing their ambitions to follow it up.

“In light of these new revelations”il “Politicians must finally take the situation in the sector seriously”declared Julie-Marty Pichon, representative of the collective, at a press conference on September 17 “No babies in the luggage locker” which brings together around fifty associations and organisations from the early childhood sector. All are calling for a ” emergency plan “, with a framework for the number of children per professional, salary increases and better training.

Message received? On the left yes, in part. After the publication of the book The OgresLa France insoumise was one of the first parties to step up to the plate. At the initiative of a commission of inquiry under the previous legislature, the rebellious presented last spring a ” against report ” focused on private sector nurseries, a document much more severe than the report adopted by the commission.

“It’s unfortunate that we have to get to such serious situations for us to talk about them.”

The case of Aurore Bergé particularly angers France Insoumise. The cause: the sworn statement of the now ex-minister who, when questioned by the commission, assured that she had no connection with the president of the private daycare network. A version contradicted in The Ogres. La France Insoumise has demanded “prosecutions” pour “perjury proven before the commission of inquiry” at a meeting of the Assembly’s bureau, in vain. The environmentalists called for similar action this Friday.

Louis Boyard, MP for Val-de-Marne and rapporteur for the section “ family ” of the PLFSS, also stated his intention to hear Aurore Bergé… who can always refuse, unlike a commission of inquiry where the summons is an obligation.

“It is unfortunate that we have to reach such serious situations for them to be discussed in public debate,” regrets the socialist Céline Hervieu. Former advisor to the city of Paris for education and early childhood, the newly elected deputy intends to take up the subject. A week before the release of Victor Castanet’s book, she launched a working group with her colleagues and wants to extend it to local elected officials and communities, as well as to stakeholders in the sector. And why not a transpartisan work in the Assembly?

Towards debates during the PLFSS?

Well, elsewhere, the enthusiasm is less. From the Republicans to the GDR group, via the National Rally, Ensemble pour la République, the MoDem, Horizons, and the environmentalists, no group has officially reacted since the publication of the book. This is not necessarily the subject that the deputies have taken up massively”notes Céline Hervieu, who nevertheless qualifies this by evoking the political context ” complex “ of recent weeks and the lack of visibility on the debates in the National Assembly.

As things stand, both the socialists and the rebels are counting on the upcoming examination of the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) to put the subject on the table. “Before a bill, the idea will be above all to include amendments in the budget discussion. The heart of the subject is financing: public overfunding for private nursery groups and underfunding of public and associative nursery schools. We must therefore bring forward amendments so that public funding goes to those who need it,” estimates William Martinet.
