How much does a rental house make today

Renting a house is now much more convenient than in the past, because it guarantees a constantly growing return, especially in some areas of Italy.

Renting a house is worth it

Until some time ago one could be uncertain in giving an answer to the question of whether it was convenient rent a housefor example the property that is not used or that perhaps has been inherited, today there is no doubt: renting a house today is a winning choicebecause you almost always get a significant profit.

The convenience is so evident, especially in certain areas of our country, that in many cases people choose to use some savings not only to buy their first home, but also to buy a second property for residential use thereafter lease it and have an income supplement or secure a secure or more dignified pension.

Renting a house is worth it – photo Getty images

And in fact, today renting an apartment can represent the first or perhaps thesingle investment that small Italian savers can afford.

The arrival at this conclusion is due, first of all, to the large availability required to make an investment of another type, such as investments in equity securitiesin order to have real convenience in terms of capital gainbut also to the high uncertainty typical of these forms of investment.

The “brick” is certainly less risky and more manageable independently, because it does not requireintermediation Of other subjects and, therefore, more accessible to many.

In this regard, however, it is necessary to keep in mind that to have a high performance, some important aspects must be evaluated.

Factors to take into consideration when renting a house

To get a greater yield fromrent a houseit is necessary to take into account a whole series of variable factors, such as the choice of tenants, an aspect of no small importance, but difficult to generalize (the best targets, however, are students, tourists and workers on business trips), the especially structural characteristics of the property (size, outdoor space and proximity to public transport) and first of all the area.

They are definitely preferable, in the first place, big cities or even metropolitan cities.

Where it is best to rent a property

Il profit marginwhich can be obtained from renting a property, is strictly dependent on the areas of our country where you own the house, which is intended for rent.

This means that, in certain areas of our country, the convenience And clearly superior compared to other regions.

It is known that therenting a propertyeven if of small sizenell’central-northern area it allows greater earnings compared to a property located in central or southern regions, even if completely homogeneous in terms of size and characteristics.

Rent a house where it is most convenient - photo Getty ImagesRent a house where it is most convenient – photo Getty Images

The reasons are essentially due to the fact that in northern Italy there are main attraction centers of cities like university centers or areas where large or important companies are present industrial areas.

These variables contribute to keeping the demand for housing stable.

To this it must be added that, in these cities, there is a strong demand for short-term rentalson the occasion of specific events, which are particularly attractive and, therefore, more profitable.

What are the best Italian cities to rent a property

A striking example of the more favorable situation in the northern regions is recorded in the city of Milanooften the protagonist of television services and often at the center of political debatesaimed at finding corrective measures to the disproportionate increase in rent in recent years.

And studio apartment in the Lombardy capital represents, especially recently, it is undoubtedly a safe investment or at least an important source of income in addition to income from work.

A curious fact is the fact that renting the same property in different areas of Milan has different incomes.

Specifically, according to some recent published studies, the convenience of renting a house is inversely proportional to the value of the property.

The lower the value of the property, the more convenient the rent is, because the lower the prospects of revaluation and costs in terms of maintenance and taxes (IMU, TASI, condominium fees).

Renting a house in the south - photo Getty ImagesRenting a house in the south – photo Getty Images

This approach is especially valid in metropolitan cities, such as Milan, Genova e Bologna to the north and Napoli e Palermo in the south, where a higher e was found constant yield in the case of renting properties around the peripheral area and, consequently, less convenience as you move towards the centre.

Diametrically opposite conclusions are reached with reference to other large northern cities such as Torino: The yield on property rentals increases as you move towards the city center.

A different situation is recorded in the capital.

In the city of RomaIn fact, there is no such clear difference between the various areas.

Generally speaking, in all areas of the city there is a constant performance, in almost all neighborhoods.

Rent house in the south

Generally speaking, as we “go down” towards the regions of southern Italy, the situation changes considerably: renting a house in the south it’s not worth it as in the northern areas or, better yet, it is less convenient.

The reasons are multiple: in the first placein the south, therent is not a frequent choice or, in any case, a limited choice becomes apparent in terms of time, before proceeding with the purchase of the first home.

For this reason there is a much higher supply of housing units than demand.

Add to this the clear difference of the cost of livingwhich does not force you to find alternative forms of incomethe different size, which generally characterizes properties in the south compared to the smaller size of the vast majority of apartments rented in the north.

In light of these results, it is clear that while renting remains an advantageous choice, because it is particularly convenient, it is still true that if you have a property in certain areas of our country the return is significantly more advantageousand this is a parameter of no small importance, especially if you have sufficient availability to create a small investment.
