How much does it cost to have the fan or air on all night?

With the high temperatures summer We can choose to use the fan or the air conditioning. ButHow much will our bill increase? at the end of the month if we use it all night?

Against time there is no one who can, although the fan and air conditioning They can help a lot to alleviate the high temperatures we are facing this summer in Spain.

But both devices consume electricitywhich is why in ‘Time to Time’ we wanted to investigate How much would our electricity bill increase? if we choose to keep them on all night.

According to him energy expert Javier Dasíthe fan would be the cheapest option. If we choose to keep the fan on fan throughout the night, at the end of the month we will see an increase of about two euros in the electricity bill: “A fan usually consumes about 50 watts and if we have it on for eight hours, throughout the night, at a price of 15 cents per kilowatt/hour, At the end of the month it will cost us about two euros”.

However, if we choose to use the air conditioning throughout the night, the approximate price is 10 times more: “It will consume about 1,000 or 1,200 watts in the first hour, but the rest of the hours it will be consuming half, about 500 watts. In this way, the electricity bill will be will increase that month by between 20 and 25 euros more”.
