How much is the fine for expired ITP? What happens if the car does not have a valid Technical Inspection?

Since the beginning of this year, traffic fines have increased considerably. Therefore, drivers must make sure that the Technical Inspection is valid, to avoid a huge penalty. Here’s how much the fine is for expired ITP in 2025 and what happens if you get caught by the Police.

The beginning of the year also brought higher traffic fines for drivers.

The government no longer capped the fine point and, at the same time, increased the minimum wage for the economy. Thus, the smallest traffic fine is over 400 lei, and the highest exceeds 4,000 lei.

Moreover, some road violations, such as the lack of ITP, are sanctioned with two traffic fines.

How much is the traffic fine in 2025

According to the law, one fine point represents 5% of the minimum gross salary, which in 2025 is 4,050 lei. Thus, the fine point increased from 165 lei, as it was in 2024, to 202.5 lei. Which means an increase in traffic fines by more than 20%.

The traffic fine in 2025 is:

  • class I (2 – 3 fine points) = 405 lei – 607.5 lei;
  • second class (4 – 5 fine points) = 810 lei – 1012.5 lei;
  • third class (6 – 8 fine points) = 1,215 lei – 1,620 lei;
  • class IV (9 – 20 fine points) = 1,822.5 lei – 4,050 lei.

For legal entities, traffic fines are included in class V of sanctions and vary between 21 and 100 fine points. Which means a penalty between 4,252.5 lei and 20,250 lei.

2025: How much is the fine for expired ITP?

One of the biggest fines imposed by the Traffic Police is for expired ITP.

When the Periodic Technical Inspection expires, the registration of that vehicle is automatically suspended.

Thus, drivers driving a car that does not have a valid ITP commit two traffic offenses:

  • driving a car without a valid inspection – between 9 and 20 fine points;
  • driving a car whose registration has been suspended – 20 fine points.

Thus, the two sanctions are cumulative, which means a fine between 5,872.5 lei and 8,100 lei. In addition, the vehicle’s registration certificate will be withheld, and the owner will be obliged to carry out the Technical Inspection at the Romanian Vehicle Registry in order to reacquire the vehicle tag.
