The President of the PNL, Nicolae Ciucă, declared that no tax will increase until the end of the year.
“Right now I can tell you that no tax will increase until the end of the year, and reducing the deficit can only be done by reducing budget expenditures and increasing the level of collection. At this moment, we can state that in accordance with the plan from the Ministry of Finance, the collection was fulfilled 100%, in some situations it even exceeded the plan, unfortunately the expenses also exceeded the provisions of the budget, which is why the reduction of budget expenses is absolutely mandatory” , said Ciucă on B1 Tv.
He recalled that by October 15, the Government must present a plan of fiscal measures to reduce the deficit for the next seven years.
“These measures are currently under analysis at the level of the Ministry of Finance. What I can tell you at the moment is that I continue to express my conviction that the reduction of budget expenditures is one of the main solutions, including in the coming years, to leave room for investments because they ensure economic development and it was very clearly seen that the engine of the economy were the investments, and what is related to collection through the measures that were taken at the level of the Ministry of Finance with the electronic invoice, with the goods radar, with all the other measures that are underway to increase collection and decrease tax evasion and decrease the GAP the VAT which is excessively high. Romania has a VAT GAP valued at 35 billion”, said Ciucă.
He doesn’t think new taxes should be put in place.
“I don’t think we need to impose new taxes. Put new taxes on whom? Business environment? The business environment is the heart of the economy. (…) We are all dependent on what the business environment produces. The country’s budget is fueled by what the business environment manages to produce. As such, we must act in such a way as to stimulate investments, to stimulate the initiative, to stimulate the courage to continue investing, to consolidate the Romanian capital, to provide the business environment with perspective, opportunities, opportunity”, said the PNL leader.
Ciucă was asked if any new taxes will be introduced in 2025.
“It is an attribute of the Government that I cannot answer you now. I said what is our vision, of the PNL, regarding the introduction of new taxes. We don’t want new taxes. (…) We do not agree with progressive taxation and we continue to support the single rate, because this single rate was the one that ensured the development of our business environment”, said the PNL leader.
He claimed that the fiscal CNP was not discussed. On the other hand, Ciucă specified that the luxury tax was discussed in the coalition, which was agreed upon by everyone.