In the world of entertainment and television, we rarely find a work that combines humor and future predictions to the same extent and mystery that the famous American cartoon series “The Simpsons” is famous for. After the news spread about Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the US presidential race based on a recommendation from within the Democratic Party itself, and then the announcement of his deputy Kamala Harris as a Democratic candidate with the full support of the party, people began to notice something strange, which is the appearance of Lisa Simpson as President of the United States more than two decades ago. But the surprise here is not in the similarity in clothes and accessories between Lisa and the current Vice President in striking scenes in Episode 17 of Season 11, which was shown in 2000, which reflects the accuracy of the series The Simpsons from the Fox network and raises questions about its ability to predict future events by hinting at Harris’s arrival to the presidency, which was partially achieved when she became Vice President of the United States in 2021.
The futuristic scenes came in episode 17, titled Bart to the Future, of season 11, showing Lisa wearing a formal suit and being in the White House again. What is striking about this scene is the striking similarity between Lisa’s appearance and Harris’s, as the former wears a purple suit and adorns her neck with a pearl necklace, and wears earrings similar to those worn by Kamala Harris when she was first sworn in as Vice President.
What makes the coincidence seem even more real is that Lisa comes after an implied presidency of Donald Trump, having to deal with a massive budget deficit left behind by Trump. She says, “You know, we inherited a major budget crisis from President Trump.”
Which episode predicted Kamala Harris’s rise to the position of President of the United States?
Episode 17 of Season 11 is titled Bart to the Future.
What is the similarity between Lisa Simpson and Kamala Harris’ appearance?
The similarity lies in the purple suit, pearl necklace, and earrings worn by both Lisa and Kamala Harris.
Did the Sampsons predict other events?
Yes, the series predicted events such as Donald Trump winning the US presidency, the use of smart watches, and the novel coronavirus.