Some 271,000 people, mainly women, were victims of domestic violence in 2023, according to the Ministerial Statistical Service for Internal Security (SSMSI). To put an end to the beatings, you must then manage to leave but also, sometimes, erase your traces so as not to be found by the violent ex-partner. Unfortunately, while waiting to formalize this separation, an administrative letter may be enough to reveal a hiding place… As part of the fight against domestic violence, more and more administrations are therefore putting in place systems to secure information to protect victims. This is now the case of the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFiP).
A new confidential address
According to a communication from the Ministry of the Economy published at the end of November, the protection measure deployed since April 2024 is now fully operational. This system, implemented in 2019 during the Grenelle meeting against violence against women, required a major IT project to ensure perfect confidentiality for victims. It consists of “no longer include the confidential address on the still joint taxes of the separated couple”such as the income tax notice, property tax, etc., not only in the DGFiP information system but also on dematerialized documents. To avoid any blunders by agents, this system also provides a specific notice for addresses “not to be disclosed to a third party” in computer applications. In addition, it will be possible, in certain cases, to re-materialize tax notices.
To benefit from this confidentiality measure, victims must request it from Public Finance by calling 0 809 401 401 (non-premium rate line) or make an appointment with an advisor via the website. The anonymization procedure is effective in less than 48 hours and does not require any special proof.