How to avoid a hangover: advice from a pharmacist

  • Avoiding a hangover is the wish of those who have drunk too much the night before

  • There is no infallible formula, but it can be overcome by following these steps

  • Staying hydrated is one of the most important keys to not having a hangover.

A Castilian saying goes that ‘wine gives talent, but not much or foundation’. Something completely true and what, more or less, many of us have gone through. When you measure poorly and drink too much, you lose any talent and, therefore, demonstrate little foundation. Regrets, however, take a few hours to appear and almost always come in the form of hangover. That’s when we need those tips that put remedy for what we did not know how to prevent when we were on time.

If you have a hangover today this may not help you anymore, but in the future you will be grateful for it. Although the only infallible remedy to avoid having a hangover is not to drink or do it in moderation, the truth is that if you decide to lose your inhibitions a little, it is best to follow these steps.

Drink water between “drinks and drinks”

The pharmacist and influencer known as Farmacéutico Fernández gives several tips to have the smallest possible hangover. To begin with, he says that the best thing to do is not to drink alcohol, something that has already been said and is a truism, although it should not be that simple. That said, the popular pharmacist assures that if you drink a glass of water after “every drink” You will end up consuming less and also, by preventing dehydration, the effects of a hangover will be less.

In the video published on the profile of influencer There are many comments, among which those who say that it works for them or those who take it as a joke and ask “if cubata ice counts as water” stand out.

Drink on a full stomach

Continuing with the advice that can prevent us from having a bad day, in the Ecoceutics Pharmacy website They give a series of ideas to follow in case you want to avoid a hangover. The first of them is eat well before drinking and, above all, abstain from consuming alcohol if you have an empty stomach.

If we have not eaten or dined well before a celebration, our body will absorb more alcohol, making it more difficult to metabolize and in the long run, the discomfort will be greater.

There are no magic remedies, but there are little tricks

From Farmacia Ecoceutics they assure that anti-hangover products and pills “are usually combinations that try to make your body healthy to metabolize alcohol. They usually include B vitaminsminerals such as potassium or magnesium, or natural products capable of interacting with the liver, such as artichoke or milk thistle”, but which in many cases have “a lot of sugar” or even “generate allergies”. In addition to the false feeling that you can drink whenever you want without consequences.

In the absence of miraculous remedies, some guidelines can be established to improve hangover symptoms.

  • Firstly sleep well and drink water It will help the body eliminate toxins.
  • Maintain a calm rhythmwill allow the body to focus its efforts on metabolizing alcohol.
  • Eat wellwhenever possible, and in small quantitiesthe situation will improve since the body will be given the necessary nutrients.
  • If the discomfort is difficult to bear, it is better to take an ibuprofen or an aspirin than a paracetamol, since this requires greater effort from the liver, which is already punished.
  • Take some infusion Relieving digestive discomfort and helping to eliminate toxins will also help improve the situation.

And since there are no magic remedies for excesses in celebrations, many times the best thing is to grieve, suffer and learn. That will prevent more hangovers than any specific remedy.
