How to calibrate Google Maps to make navigation as accurate as possible? Here is the tutorial

Google Maps is the most popular application of its kind

Google Maps is the most popular and widely used navigation platform in the world. They are truly an invaluable helper, either thanks to the navigation itself, or thanks to their accompanying functions. They make everyday life easier for millions of users around the world. But do you know how to calibrate your Google Maps?

Accuracy is what Google Maps is all about

Google Maps they are a relatively accurate tool, but they are certainly not perfect in this respect, and accuracy is understandably very important in navigation. And this is not only for the one in the car, but also for pedestrian navigation or in the case when you use the application to search for different places or areas.

Fortunately, there is a way to improve their accuracy very easily. It’s a so-called calibration, thanks to which you significantly improve the accuracy aspect, and what we’re talking about, having accurate navigation is something that definitely comes in handy. In addition, the entire calibration process is very simple and you can do it in a moment.

Google Maps

Calibration techniques for Google Maps

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How to calibrate Google Maps?

Naturally, the first thing you should do is open the app on your phone and then use the target in the bottom right to find your location. This will appear in the form of a blue circle, which, when you click, will show you how they are doing Google Maps with accuracy.

We suggest that the application will show you a low position accuracy and to improve it, just click on the Calibrate button. You will be prompted to activate your camera and point it at nearby buildings so that Google Maps can recognize where you are exactly. This calibration must be done outdoors.

There is one more way

There are two calibration techniques, and in addition to the camera, it is possible to improve the accuracy of the application by performing certain movements with the phone in hand. Google Maps prompts you to tilt your phone and move it according to the attached animation. With the phone in your hand, copy a figure eight slightly tilted to the right in the air. This will significantly improve the accuracy of the compass.
