How to clean the digestive tract (and why we should clean it)

The importance of the digestive tract is also shown by the fact that all the above symptoms are the result of an over-acidic and overloaded system.

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And what is it overloaded with?

Fungi, acidic foods, bad bacteria and parasites. Together, they work very quickly, producing even more acidity, especially with fermenting sugar.

We present five ways to clean your digestive tract.

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Basic cleansing of the digestive tract in just 5-7 days is incredibly powerful and brings your body an abundance of all the necessary ingredients needed for renewal and revitalization.

During this cleaning
1. eat only basic soups, mild, made from a variety of vegetables (one to two a day so you won’t be hungry), and your body will easily use, digest and get rid of toxins
2. drink up to 4 liters of water and don’t forget the lemon
3.exercise VERY lightly (walking, yoga, etc.)
4. no acidic food
5. rest

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This combination is fatal. The yeast itself, and then the sugar, which, due to fermentation, acts on it like oil on a fire, irresistibly stimulating acidity in the digestive system.

Pay attention to your daily diet and gradually eliminate one by one, starting with sugary fruit juices. It may take you 7 to 14 days to fully achieve this, but it will be worth it.

When the body is dehydrated, its functions decrease, internal combustion weakens, which is the fastest way to block the digestive system.

Simply, you should drink at least 2 liters of water, and ideally 3-4 liters of water per day during the cleansing period. If you are not in the habit of drinking water, except sometimes, try an extra glass first when you wake up and after dinner. Do not forget about herbal base teas and include them in your daily program.

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Raw food, especially leafy food, is rich in fiber, chlorophyll, antioxidants, basic vitamins and minerals, and it cleans and instantly restores the digestive system.

Fiber is a basic tool for cleaning and restoring the digestive system, but hardly anyone uses it enough!

It is enough to soak two teaspoons of oats in a glass of water every day (but don’t forget a glass of water afterwards!). The effect is almost instantaneous!

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In addition to oats, turnips, lettuce, celery, spinach, asparagus, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, kale, avocado, sweet potatoes, onions, olives, quinoa are also very good.


Author of the text: Dr. Dobrinka Arbanovskiinternist and quantum medicine specialist, Holitimed
