How to cure prediabetes and diabetes

The incidence of type 2 diabetes has tripled since the 1980s. It is believed that in the middle of the 21st century, a third of the adult population of the Western Hemisphere, including Serbia, will suffer from diabetes.

Almost one third of the adult, Western population is obese. Worst of all, the situation only worsens over time.

Aleksandra LišaninPublic Health specialist, nutritionist-dietitian, practitioner of functional medicine

Dr. Mark Hyman, one of the founders of the field of functional medicine, uses the term “diabesity” to explain conditions ranging from mild insulin resistance and overweight to diabetes accompanied by real obesity.

Insulin resistance and obesity are the root causes of most heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases.

Diabesity=diabetes+obesity (gojaznost)

Tragically, this condition is also 100% preventable and curable.

Medications lower blood sugar levels, but this does not mean that once you stop taking the medication, you will not have diabetes. Nor does it mean that you will use the same dose of medication for many years. The dose of the medication, unfortunately, increases over time, until you switch to insulin, the dose of which also increases over time.

Unfortunately, this course of “treatment” implies numerous complications, including kidney failure, gangrene and limb amputations, strokes, dementia, heart attacks, death of peripheral nerves, and more.

Science unequivocally shows that diabetes and obesity are preventable and curable conditions, with aggressive changes in diet and lifestyle.


These are toxic foods that cause obesity and diabetes.

It is known that morbidly obese patients can cure diabetes in a few weeks with the help of gastric bypass, even if they have not lost much weight. Why? Because food is medicine, and if you remove the food that causes disease, and put in the right, healing food, healing takes place quickly and smoothly.

You can lose dozens of pounds and get rid of diabetes medications if you implement these seven steps daily. All this without surgery or expensive drugs.

1. Cut out the sugar

A diet full of empty calories and fast-absorbing sugars, liquid sugar calories from soft drinks and juices, refined carbohydrates, which are quickly converted into sugar, creates high insulin levels, which leads to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Chronically high insulin levels include inflammation (inflammatory processes), high blood pressure, poor libido, increased risk of developing cancer and depression.


Sugar comes in many forms. The most important thing you need to do to turn your health around is to drastically reduce your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates.

2. Use only whole, unprocessed food

Real, whole, unprocessed foods balance your sugar, reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, and improve detoxification. Choose plenty of vegetables and fruits, lots of omega 3 fats, coconut oil, olive oil, linseed oil (cold pressed), legumes, seeds, nuts.

Unprocessed food causes good gene expression, promotes active metabolism, treats insulin resistance and diabetes and slows down the aging of the body.

3. Get the right nutrients

Supplements make your cells more sensitive to insulin and more efficient at metabolizing sugar and fat. Combined with the right food and lifestyle changes, they help to balance sugar and prevent or cure diabetes. As a necessary minimum, I recommend the following:

– High-quality multivitamin-multimineral preparation

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– Omega 3 fatty acids

– Vitamin D (vitamin D in excess is toxic. Be careful with the amount)

– Alpha lipoic acid

– Hrom pikolinat

– Vitamin C

Many other nutrients play an important role in balancing sugar and normalizing insulin. The necessary minimum is shown here, which will help the body to heal.

4. Move around

It is not necessary to spend hours in the gym for your body to feel the benefits of running. Thirty-minute brisk walks in a clean, natural environment are enough. Energy is key to balancing sugar and lowering insulin levels. Raise your heart rate to 70-80% of maximum capacity, 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week.feet-538245_1280 (1)

Do high-intensity exercises for a few minutes during the day. Studies have shown that this type of exercise is extremely beneficial for diabetics and obese people.

5. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep or bad sleep damages your metabolism, raises the level of sugar in the blood, increases the desire for sweet food. Because of poor sleep, you also eat more, which increases your risk of developing various diseases, including type 2 diabetes. That’s why it’s very important to have eight hours of undisturbed, relaxing sleep, every day.

Create rituals that will slowly lead you to sleep, every night. Herbal therapies, warm baths, darkening of rooms, silence and the absence of screens in the room where you sleep, help the largest number of people.

6. Control your stress level

If you are exposed to chronic stress, your levels of insulin, cortisol and cytokines, which are components of inflammation, increase. This leads to metabolic dysfunction, which results in the development of diabetes. You cannot eliminate stress, but you can learn to control it. Meditation, deep breathing, yoga, massage, laughter and dancing are some of the best ways to manage your stress levels.

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7. Measure achievements

Research shows that people who track their results lose twice as much weight as those who don’t. Record your progress. Every day, write down what you ate, how much you moved, your waist circumference and how much you weigh. Many patients become very motivated when they see their results on paper.
