How to distinguish an original from a fake when buying online

The general busyness and hectic daily schedule, as well as the low availability of quality and early-quality goods in our country, at realistic prices, are increasingly pushing people to turn to online or second-hand shopping.

In addition, sometimes it’s really hard to resist the sales and very low prices at which a variety of goods are offered all over the Internet, so to speak.

Louis Vuitton is the most counterfeited brand

Everything is available on the Internet, from Chinese goods at ridiculously low prices to high-quality, branded goods, top-quality, famous fashion designers.

Now you can afford the luxury of virtual shopping at the Dior store, directly from your armchair. You don’t even have to swipe the card, just type in the numbers. And voila! The goods arrive within a maximum of three weeks. And what you will really get when you open the box is a big question. Cat in the sack! Enigma, lottery.

Even if the goods you received look good, how can you be sure that it is genuine and not a fake, just a copy of the original?

The statistics are inexorable. They say that as many as 61% of online shopping users have been cheated by receiving fake goods instead of real goods. Not to mention buying used goods!

Therefore, we have prepared a manual for you that can help you to more easily determine whether the goods you bought are original or counterfeit.

  • Take a close look at the texture of the skin. It should be firm, not hollow, and stretch under the arm.
  • Check the quality of the material from which the bag is made. That is the first thing that can give away that it is a forgery. If the item is supposed to be leather, it should also smell like leather. The feel under the hand is also very important.
  • Shtep is another area that should be paid special attention to, because shtep is very often a key that gives away fakes. Uneven, slanted or back-and-forth stitches are a sign of poor workmanship.
  • A cheap set-up is another sign of poor quality goods, that is, counterfeits. Feel the quality under your hand and look carefully at the color. Counterfeiters often work from photographs, which can significantly distort the color tone of the lining, causing them to use the wrong shade.
  • The manufacturer’s company logo is another slippery slope for counterfeiters. With the company sign, everything is really in the details, so it would be good to check if you are familiar with all the specifics of the sign of the company whose goods you are buying.
  • Check your pockets! Does the bag you’re buying have the exact number of pockets and compartments in the right place, as intended for that specific model you’ve decided on?
  • Finally, check the inner label to determine if there is any discrepancy. Is the company logo well centered, is there a hologram or serial number? If there is a serial number, is it in the correct order?

If in doubt, it’s always best to compare with the original copy you have on hand.

In any case, buy only from verified sources, with a recommendation you can rely on. Because very often, there is no refund.
