Anti-woodworm treatment is a process that removes woodworm infestation from wood and preserves its integrity and conservation over time.
How to carry out an anti-woodworm treatment
Wood is a beautiful and timeless material, but those who choose it know that sooner or later they will have to deal with woodworms.
Per eliminate woodwormsyou need to follow a series of basic steps. First, we proceed to cleaning of the infested surfaceremoving any residue and dust. Next, a specific anti-woodworm productmaking sure to cover all affected areas. It’s important let it act the product for the time indicated in the instructions, thus ensuring effective disinfestation. Finally, to further protect the wood, it is advisable to apply a primer or a protective varnish.
Worm-eaten wood
Insects that feed on wood, xylophagous insectsare able not only to act on the surface but even to reach in depth, digging small tunnels to reach the cellulose: the little holes we see on the surface are the signal that the woodworms have made their way and have reached the inside of the furniture or the wooden beams that we have at home.
Their aggression risks compromising not only the aesthetics but also the structure of the furniture, causing it to wear out over time. We can intervene with an effective anti-woodworm treatment.
How to choose a preventative or curative woodworm treatment for wood
To always have mobile e wooden floors beautiful and intact it is necessary to proceed with the woodworm disinfestation treatment specific that is effective in respecting wood, a natural and therefore valuable material. The treatments serve to preserve the durability of the wood from woodworms and termites.
The substances contained in wood vary according to the different species or today it is not difficult to see them also affected by woodworms compensated o veneered although they are certainly much less palatable. In short, all species are subject to attacks of the xylophagous insects for this reason it is important to intervene to best preserve the wood.
Worm-eaten wooden floor: how to intervene with Lignum AT by HDG Group
The wood is treated with a treatment preventive purposebefore the woodworms have settled, or on wood that has already suffered the attack of woodworms and termites and the purpose of the treatment in this case is dressing.
Treatments can be chemistssuch as the use of gas o liquid woodworm removeror physiciststreatment ad hot air o microwave.
The microwave, gas and hot air treatment is done by professionals but it is important to know that you can act in time and do a DIY woodworm treatment using disinfection with liquid productswhich must be chosen well to avoid low and short-lasting effectiveness.
Anti-woodworm treatment with DIY liquid product
The treatments that must be carried out by professionals are carried out when a piece of furniture or other wooden surface has already been affected by woodworms and serves to kill them, with curative purposes and their action ends with the treatment and does not prevent the woodworms from recurring and further and perhaps irreparably damage the furniture. THE liquid woodworm products and do it yourself instead carry out an important preventative action that prevents xylophagous insects from laying their eggs and insinuating themselves into the wood.
A perfect product for this purpose is AT wood® Of HDG Group.
AT wood® it’s a antitarlo designed to act on the insects responsible for colonization, damage and holes on wood and is a product based on permethrin. AT wood® it is a complete and versatile product because it is used both to prevent and treat damage from woodworms and termites.
But how does it work? AT wood® liquid product works stabilizing il wood treated and reducing the absorption ofhumidity as well as the withdraw due to the dry climate and in this way also protects against battery e mushrooms.
Lignum AT woodworm treatment by HDG Group
AT wood® it’s a biocidal product e wood preservative ideal for taking action on mobileperhaps ancient and valuable wooden objects, frames, windows and doors internal and external, flooring, ceilings made of wood, wood-clad walls and more.
Penetrating deep into the wood Lignum AT® can reach more than within 24 hours 50 mm of depth. An important plus is theprolonged action and long-lasting treatment on all wooden surfaces in classes 1 and 2.
When the product is dry, no streaks remain on the wood and it is greasier to the touch andDIY application it’s also quick.
Depending on whether the treatment is for preventive or curative purposes, the quantity of product to be used may vary, but on the site of AT wood® it is very convenient to calculate the product yield by entering the size of the surface on which you want to intervene.
The product is sold in packages ranging from 1 liter cans to 20 liter cans and on request you can also have much more product in drums.
Il preserving Wood AT® it’s a anti-woodworm treatment with a brush that prevents and cures the wood from the presence of Hylotrupes bajulus larvae, guaranteeing their 100% mortality. The treatment is carried out very easily: theliquid woodworm remover It acts in contact with the wood and by ingestion and absorption as the insects enter the wood to feed and grow.
Containing a biocidal active ingredient, the woodworm remover is effective, non-greasy and non-stinking and works without affecting coatings, hardware elements, pigments and glues. Compared to water-based treatments, it is possible to reach the wood in depth, while water has greater penetration difficulties than organic solvents.
Lignum AT woodworm treatment by HDG Group
The best time to do a anti-woodworm treatment these are the spring months, when the larvae return to activity. You can intervene immediately to cover the wooden product from future attacks or act when the first signs that highlight the presence of woodworms, such as holes on the wooden surface said of flickering and the result of the escape of the now adult woodworms from the inside to the outside of the furniture.
The product works againstinfestationcurrent or future larvae inside the wood of a piece of furniture, such as a bedside drawer, the foot of a dining room table or a beam on the ceiling. Before applying the treatment, the wood must be cleaned so that it absorbs the agent well
Il preventive anti-woodworm treatment it should be carried out every 10 years and the application can generally be done by brush and/or injection for furniture and small objects or by spray to intervene on coverings such as floors or ceilings.
End of article
To forget about woodworms and the damage they can cause and receive more information from professionals on the methods, the product, the yield and the methods of application depending on the object to be treated you can contact HDG Group
The Italian company deals with the design and implementation of effective and innovative solutions for recovery and the maintenance of surfaces. The priority remains the result, but always respecting theenvironmentfrom the safety and of salute of those who carry out the treatment and those who live in the house.