How to dress for a job interview without it being black and white

Regardless of how professional and qualified we are for the job we are applying for, the first impression we leave with our appearance and behavior during the interview is very important, if not decisive, which can be, especially in the first round of interviews. In addition to smiling, the most important thing is to wear clothes in which we feel comfortable, but which do not distract attention and put our personality in the background. Remember that a great appearance is a sure ticket to the second round of interviews, regardless of qualifications!

Many people play the black-and-white variant, as a fuse, in such occasions, which is boring, inexpressive and can leave an impression completely opposite to the one you wanted to leave – that you are very unimaginative, but cunning and that you must be hiding something underneath. neutral shells.

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On the other hand, the black and white combination is hysterical and after a while, if the outfit is not extremely bright, it becomes tiring to look at. In addition, it can also look cheap, and you definitely don’t want that! Unless you’re applying for a waitress job. In that case, it could mean you can start working right away. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about the clothing combination in which you will appear before the committee with whom you will discuss a very important thing in life, work.

Although every industry has its own dress code, there are certain dress codes that are so timeless, refined and chic that they cross over into multiple business categories. To avoid frantic outfit changes on your big interview day, consider adopting one of our three suggestions that will ensure you’re confident, comfortable and ready to take on whatever hot potato they throw your way. .

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Don’t be afraid of colors, but don’t overdo it with aggressive colors and patterns.

Discreet, inconspicuous jewelry.

Shoes, too. Take care of stains and clean shoes. The platform is not an option for job interviews.

Take the glasses off the top of your head and pack them in your purse, if you were wearing them before entering.

Avoid boots, unless the snow is knee-deep.

You do not exaggerate in showing enthusiasm, as well as cleavage.

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A miniskirt is out of the question, except just above the knee, but not so that it rises to mid-thigh when you sit down and cross your legs. Too tight pants, no leggings, either!

Take special care of your hairstyle. Let it be calm and decent, without excessive disheveledness and curls as if you just left the hairdressing salon, and as if you didn’t, let’s not lie.

Nails neatly shaped and painted, not too long. Dark shades, such as black, maroon, etc., are out of the question, as are blue, yellow, etc.

Be sure to turn off the phone!

And be smiling, self-confident and relaxed, as if you are in control of the situation, as if you are in control of the knowledge and willingness to deal with the business obligations that are in front of you.
