How to easily bypass the anti-theft protection promised by Android 15?

  • Android 15 brought anti-theft protection
  • The new feature detects the theft of the phone and locks it
  • But it is far from perfect

The latest Android 15 has brought a lot of new features and one of them is anti-theft. This function of course it cannot prevent your phone from being stolenbut promises that can detect theft and the phone will automatically lock. This prevents the thief from accessing your data and reduces the incentive to steal.

As pointed out by the server Android Authoritybypassing this protection is not difficult. When they tested how anti-theft works, they couldn’t even activate it at first. After studying the documentation and even consulting with Google, they found out exactly how the protection works and shared some of the information.

Firstly, anti-theft protection detects acceleration. It is supposed to snatch the phone from the hand and run fast. If the thief were to take the phone lying on the table and walk away, the protection will not be activated. Another important element is that you must be actively using the phone at the time of theft. Google warns about this when the protection is activated, but I confess that without further explanation I did not understand what it meant.

When the protection is activated, nothing extraordinary happens, it just does activates the screen lock. We would expect some more thorough locking, which would have to be unlocked using, for example, two-factor confirmation (which would be a problem when locking with a device on which we confirm two-factor) or at least the necessity of unlocking with biometrics. But nothing like that is required, it is an ordinary lock screen.

Other actions related to theft protection are also available. We recommend setting up these three additional functionswhich will help protect your data and possibly even locate a stolen phone. Offline lock ensures that if a stolen phone disconnects from the network, which may be an effort to avoid tracking, the screen will lock. Remote locking will allow you to lock your phone manually at an address Find my device is a function that we have already written about several times. It will allow you to find your phone even when it is offline. But this only applies to supported models.

device lock

It’s certainly good that Google is trying to make life difficult for thieves, but this feature is still far from perfect. Nevertheless, we recommend activating it. Apparently, false detections will not be very frequent, even if you simply unlock the phone. And in case someone really steals your phone and anti-theft protection works, it will at least be a small patch in an unpleasant situation.

Do you think anti-theft is useful?

Source: AndroidAuthority
