For many families, young professionals and regional residents, this is a great way to purchase a modern car with minimal financial burden. Olga Boyko, director of the financial services department of the Rolf company, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta how to use this tool and what to pay attention to.
What is a preferential car loan?
A preferential car loan is a government support program that allows buyers of new cars to receive a discount on the cost of the car. In 2025, the program is focused on supporting the domestic automobile industry, as well as cars produced or adapted for use in Russia.
The program applies to:
Cars worth up to 2 million rubles:
Machines manufactured in Russia or imported in compliance with all requirements;
Citizens of certain categories (doctors, teachers, military personnel, etc.).
Photo: RIA Novosti
Conditions for participation in the program:
To take advantage of a preferential car loan, you must meet several criteria:
1. Be a citizen of Russia.
2. Buying a car on credit for the first time.
3. Select a car participating in the program.
4. Have an income that allows you to repay the loan.
The preferential car loan program is especially relevant for the following categories of citizens:
1. People with disabilities – persons with disabilities
2. Doctors and teachers are employees of state and municipal educational and healthcare institutions.
3. Mobilized, volunteer and contract military personnel taking part in the military military service, as well as members of their families (spouse, children and parents) living with them
4. Participants of the Family Car program, including the Far Eastern Federal District
The basic discount for a new car on a preferential car loan is 20% of the pricebut for certain categories of citizens it can be increased to 35% due to additional subsidies and vehicle features. For example, the discount on electric cars is 35%, but not more than 925 thousand rubles. However, the program does not provide for cost restrictions for electric vehicles.
Additional benefits are provided to large families and owners of cars handed over under the recycling program.
Photo: RIA Novosti
How to apply for a preferential car loan?
The process of applying for a car loan is simplified as much as possible. Algorithm of actions:
1. Choosing a car. Check whether the selected model is included in the list of cars eligible for the program.
2. Consultation. Receive a preliminary calculation of loan terms taking into account the preferential rate.
3. Submitting an application. Prepare your passport, SNILS and documents confirming your income and submit your application.
4. Review and approval. Wait for a solution, which usually comes within a few hours.
5. Signing the contract. After the loan is approved, all you have to do is sign the agreement and pick up the car.
What to pay attention to:
1. Make sure the vehicle meets all program requirements.
2. Carefully review the terms of the loan agreement, including the amount of the down payment and rates.
3. Remember that the program only applies to new cars.