How to properly sow vegetables for ideal yields?

Timely sowing of vegetables is key to achieving high yields and quality crops, and planning is necessary to achieve this. This monthly vegetable sowing calendar helps in the optimal organization of the vegetable garden, whether it is a large garden or a small terrace. Using seeds is often the most economical way to grow, and it also allows you to try different types.

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Sowing vegetables: calendar

In January, even though the country is still cold, it is the ideal time for planning the next season. Vegetables such as onions and potatoes can be planted in a greenhouse, and potatoes can be prepared for germination. In February, heat-loving vegetables, such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and eggplants, can be planted indoors. Beans, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant are planted in pots or greenhouses, while radishes can be sown outside.

March is the month when, in areas with a milder climate, outdoor sowing can be started. Pumpkin, cucumber and tomato are sown indoors, while asparagus, beetroot, beans and leeks can be sown outside. April brings more intensive sowing outdoors, with vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and cabbage, while zucchini and corn are sown indoors.


May is the month when the plants from the greenhouse are moved outside, and the beans and squash are sown directly in the ground. In June, the sowing of radishes, lettuce and carrots continues, while courgettes, beets, peas and beans are sown directly outside. Fennel and cabbage are also sown during June.

July is the last month to sow beans, while swiss chard and spring cabbage are sown for harvest in autumn or next spring. August is the month when planting winter crops, such as spinach and kohlrabi, can be done. In September, winter lettuce, rocket and Swiss chard are planted, while in October they start planting garlic and early varieties of beans.


In November, cabbage crops, such as kale and cabbage, are harvested, while December is used for planning the next season and preparing the land. Autumn garlic can also be planted.

Growing vegetables brings great satisfaction, and this sowing calendar helps in properly planning the vegetable garden, providing clear guidelines on when and how to sow different types of vegetables for optimal results.

Source: Farmer
