How to refresh the atmosphere in the home with new wall colors this fall?

A closed ptostor, business or personal, represents a significant part of everyday life. We spend most of the day between four walls, in the office or at home, because that is the environment in which we complete our duties and it should be as pleasant as possible in order to be as efficient as possible in our work. Interior designers pay special attention to the choice of colors for the walls because they know how to use them and visually expand the space or influence the mood of those who spend a lot of time indoors.

The closedness and narrowness of the space indirectly affects the closedness and narrowness of the man himself. In order not to fall into the trap of having the walls trap you with inappropriate and dark colors, for the first subsequent painting, look for colors that will refresh the ambiance of your home and make the atmosphere more pleasant. If you are about to decide to whitewash, you should know that before painting the walls need to be well prepared, if they are uneven it is necessary to smooth them.

By looking at ideally flat walls that improve the atmosphere in the home

If the walls of the rooms are uneven, they will bring discomfort to the lives of the householders every day. This pressure can be very unpleasant and requires to be solved as soon as possible, to use the first opportunity to smooth the walls. The process of straightening uneven walls begins with applying smoothing compound to the surface of the wall, sanding and repeating the process until ideally flat surfaces are achieved.

Plastering the walls creates a better basis for painting and treating the walls as well as other surface works. No other technique can achieve such ideally flat walls, that’s why quality grout is the price of quality walls that improve the impression of comfort and atmosphere in the home, and can significantly affect the price of the property if you decide to sell it. If quality is used I eat dinner smoothing will be a shade higher, but the benefits of smoothing are far greater.

When it comes to high-quality grout, it does not have to be applied in a thick layer, so it is significantly saved, and the result is far beyond the expected, the walls will be ideally prepared for the application of colors that will refresh the space, visually increase it, connect it individual parts into a whole and make the home more compact.

Move the boundaries in the space with bright walls

Crampedness is a big problem in today’s apartments. Due to the more economical use of space, apartments are getting smaller, but this does not mean that people are reconciled to the fact that they live in such a cramped space, but rather look for solutions to make that space visually larger. The ceiling is always painted in white or as light a color as possible, because that way you will make the room visually more airy. One of the solutions is to paint the walls in lighter colors.

In order to make the apartment visually larger than it actually is, you should choose lighter and cooler colors because they reflect light better and seem to break the boundaries set by the walls. With lighter colors on the walls, the space breathes. Brighter colors leave the possibility to play with shades and combine them in different ways to break the monotony.

Choice of colors for harmony in the space

For harmony in the space, you need to take care of how well that space is lit. If the space faces south, then you can paint the walls in cooler colors, but if it faces north, then you have to paint the walls of the apartment in warmer, brighter colors to compensate for the lack of sunlight. There are still current trends for one color to dominate the space, even though monochromatic walls make the home far more monotonous than when different shades of colors are combined.

Combining shades brings freshness to the space, but be careful with the matching of colors, if you decide on shades that do not fit easily, you can destroy the harmony of your living space. If you use neighboring colors such as blue, green and turquoise to paint the walls, the environment will look monotonous and depressing. If you excessively use warm tones such as red, yellow and orange, you will go to the other extreme and make the environment irritating, not at all harmonious and pleasant to stay in.

Monotony in the space is avoided by using well-balanced contrasting colors, so you can think about the green color on the white background of the walls. The color spectrum of green leaves brings a calm atmosphere to the environment, so that it does not become gloomy, you should introduce red or purple details such as patterns on the curtains or bed cushions that will refresh the space and break the monotony.

Colors help to reduce spatial defects

Those whose homes do not lack some space are rare. It is mainly about the lack of space and we have already said that it can be visually replaced by painting the walls in lighter colors and contrasting the dark floors against the light colors on the wall. Furniture in a confined space should be made of a single-colored material. In elongated rooms, the farthest wall is painted with darker or warmer colors to visually appear closer.

While the narrowing of wide rooms is achieved by painting the side walls in darker and warmer tones. Be careful not to fall into the trap of overdoing it and achieving the opposite effect, by using too much color on the side walls to make it look like a hallway. The final look of the walls will be influenced most by your sensitivity to colors and the ideas you use to redecorate the space.
