To keep wood beautiful and healthy, you need to use effective products with low environmental impact, suitable for protecting the wood of furniture, fixtures and floors.
Wood treatment and protection
The wood protection is carried out with products that protect the material from aexternal people and pathogens.
The use of a good impregnating it does not allow water to penetrate the wood and protects it from UV rays which cause aging of the wood fibres. It is also good to use a protective against mold, fungi and bacteria.
Il wood it is in fact a natural and living material, which is why it is excellent raw material per furnishings, fixtures, roofs e complements of home.
It guarantees solidity, safety and durability over the years, but also requires maintenance interventions maintenance that we can do by choosing to use i right products.
Wood treatment and protection – photo Getty Images
The maintenance of wooden surfaces requires, in fact, respect for the environment and the inhabitants of the house and it is not possible, for these reasons, to superficially choose the products for the treatment of a material both valuable. Wood, in environments external as inside the home, is subject to threats and attacks on the part of woodworms and termitesbut also of mushrooms e of atmospheric agentstherefore it must be protected to avoid deterioration.
Attacks can cause the wood to age, oxidize, deteriorate and even deform: it can in fact swell due tohumidityas well as shrink or crack if, on the contrary, it loses moisture following exposure to a climate more dry.
Products for wood
They exist anyway specific products for woodcreated to protect furniture, floors and coverings wooden present in homes.
We find a very wide range of products on the market, but it is good to know that the choice should fall on a product that knows how to act and show the result of its action while respecting the naturalness of the raw material.
The wood care products, better for effectiveness and ethical sense, are the result of incessant research and production of innovative formulas which, first of all, respect the wood and act to protect it and keep it unchanged over time.
Parquet treated with Lignum Nature wood oil
The products HDG for the wood care they are effective and safe for the people who use them, as well as having a low impact on theenvironment. Wood maintenance is carried out using specific products to also deal with the problem of xylophagous insects, such as woodworms o termites that feed on wood.
From the company’s research and development work they saw the light wood stainscleaning and maintenance products, an anti-woodworm preservative and more. All of them stand out for their advanced technical characteristics and the level of performance which results in an excellent aesthetic result of the furniture, complement or wooden covering that has been treated.
Treatment of wood against the signs of external aggression
Prevention and treatment of woodworms and termites
The most common injuries e alterations of the appearance of wood are linked to xylophagous insects, animals that feed on wood and which mainly belong to two Orders: Coleoptera and Isoptera. The damage suffered by these insects can be treated both curatively and preventively by using a preservative that eliminates the larvae and adult insects already present in the wood and prevents the laying of eggs.
The most effective preservatives must penetrate deeply, have reduced volatility, and their active ingredient must remain in the wood for a long time.
The product antitarlo recommended is AT wood®a preservative that can also stabilize wood, reducing its ability to absorption dell’humidity and withdrawal in case of too dry climate.
Antitarlo wood: AT wood® di HDG
Actions aimed at treating the infested wood ea prevent the attack of xylophagous insects, are carried out by a mixture based on permethrinan anti-parasitic substance used as a powerful insecticide, which to be effective must reach deep into the wood and last a long time after the intervention.
Among the pests that target wood, we cannot fail to mention the woodworms. The common damage they cause to wood is clearly visible even to the less experienced and consists in causing small holes on the surface, called fluttering holes, after having dug tunnels inside the material.
The woodworm is born from the egg laid on the wood and once it becomes a larva, it begins to dig tunnels. It later becomes a pupa and then an adult insect.
The nourishment that allows the insect to grow is provided by the wood. The presence of the woodworm is not visible except for the holes it causes, damaging the wood, because the larva loves to live inside the material even for long years. The diameter of the galleries created by the larva varies depending on the width of its body: as the larva grows, the width of the tunnel also increases.
The most common furniture wormlAnobium dottedhas an average life of one or two years while the life span ofHylotrupes bajulusbetter known as Capricorn of the houses, can also be eight years old.
Wood ruined by xylophagous insects
The signs that highlight the presence of woodworms in the wood are given by fori practiced on the surface and by wooden residues, which appear in the form of fine dust and which generally settle around the holes or on the ground. That is the waste that is not assimilated but expelled by the insect and is called rosume.
These two obvious signs may be proof that the wood of our furnishings or architectural elements of the house is infested and therefore it is time to intervene, preferably as soon as possible, to eliminate the insects present and prevent their return. An action, therefore, at the same time disinfestant and preventive.
The application of a woodworm remover such as AT wood®can be done with a brush, but also with a low pressure spray or injection.
This product is therefore specific and suitable for interventions on wood against woodworms and termites, it stabilizes the wood by avoiding the absorption of humidity and has a deep action (in just 8 hours it penetrates 1.8 cm, reaching up to 50 cm below the surface in 24 hours) and durable over time.
Furthermore, it does not leave the surface greasy, does not corrode any metalwork on the furniture and does not alter the paper inside the drawers nor the fabrics. As mentioned, Lignum AT® it is good for treating window and door frames, beams and much more.
It’s versatile, universal and it really works!
The result is proven by laboratory tests (downloadable from the company website) which highlight the mortality of the larvae and the death of the adult insects before they can even lay their eggs.
Wood treatment, protection of wood inside and outside the home: other products for cleaning wood and maintaining it
The interventions we can do to keep wooden artefacts, furniture and structures beautiful and healthy are many and do not end with the use, although indispensable, of the product that acts against xylophagous insects, which we talked about just now.
The gamma Of products for the treatment of wood for exteriors and interiors proposed by HDG includes protective, impregnating oleocerose, maintenance e paints. Let’s start from cleaning of wooden floors advising Wood Flea a concentrated, low-foaming neutral detergent.
There are also specific solutions for the treatment of legno outdoorexposed to atmospheric agents because it is placed outdoors, as Wood Hydromilwaxed impregnating agent for external wood water-repellent which gives protection through a velvety effect, particularly pleasant to the touch.
Lignum Nature wood oil
HDG Group also has it in the range Wood Natureand wood oil suitable inside the home as well as outside. The product is based on linseed oil, is solvent-free and contains natural antibacterial tea tree oil.
Biancolegno wood® it is instead a white wood stain very versatile because its application is suitable, as a primer or finish, on furniture, roofs, floors and wooden surfaces of various types, internal or external. Just one pass is enough to guarantee excellent results coverageuniform and white in color, which does not hide, but enhances the natural features veins of wood.
Wood treated with Lignum Biancolegno impregnator®
Surfaces treated with Lignum Biancolegno® they do not need to be sanded and protect the wood from UV rays, keeping its appearance unchanged for a long time. The product has been tested for exposure to light according to UNI EN 15187.
It is ready to use, easy and quick to apply: just apply it with a brush and let it dry naturally. A second coat is recommended for an even more intense white effect.
For those who want to whiten the wood, but also want to make the grain clearly visible, the ideal product is Lignum Biancostyle, the latest addition to the family of HDG impregnators.
Finally, to renew grayed wood, it is necessary to intervene with a specific product capable of removing the degraded surface patina.
He is an example of this The Living Tree.
End of article
Highly specialized in the wood care sector, on the company website you can find the entire range of products offered, technical data sheets and many tips on wood treatment for furnishings and structural elements present both inside and outside the home.