How your company benefits from new social media features

The major social media platforms have recently introduced a number of new functions. How can companies use the new features to their advantage?

Instagram: Story comments for more engagement

Since September, users have also been able to publicly comment on stories on Instagram. This offers companies additional opportunities to strengthen direct interaction with their community and create incentives for more engagement. Accordingly, the new features are particularly interesting for brands that want to intensify the bond with their target group and place particular emphasis on community building.

By using targeted calls to action in their stories, companies can encourage direct exchange: brands can, for example, ask their community questions, get feedback on products or conduct surveys to gain valuable insights. Another advantage: the active use of comments also increases the visibility of posts in Instagram’s algorithm, as engagement is a decisive factor in reach.

Now official:

Comment on Instagram Stories and release group chat energy

© Instagram via Canva

TikTok: Stronger brand presence and event promotion

With the introduction of user-defined thumbnails and the integration of Eventbrite, TikTok is introducing several new features. This creates new potential for companies to strengthen their visual brand identity and market events more efficiently.

User-defined thumbnails: Visual branding is a key success factor on TikTok, and with the new ability to select custom thumbnails, companies now have more control over the first impression of their videos. Instead of using automatically generated thumbnails, they can choose eye-catching preview images to attract users’ attention. At the same time, they can use motifs that best reflect their brand and core message. The new feature enables companies to present their image more consistently, for example by prominently highlighting important brand elements such as logos or distinctive designs and incorporating them regularly. This ensures greater recognition and supports a consistent brand perception.

As TikTok is increasingly used as a search engine, custom, engaging thumbnails can improve the visibility and appeal of videos in search results. This is especially useful for companies in competitive markets to stand out from their competitors and draw potential customers to their content.

Eventbrite-Integration: With the help of another TikTok innovation – the Eventbrite integration – users can now discover and book events directly in the app. For companies, this offers an excellent opportunity to promote events in a targeted manner and seamlessly integrate ticket sales via Eventbrite. This has the advantage of reaching a broader – often digitally savvy – audience as well as young target groups. In practice, the integration looks like this:

The Eventbrite integration on TikTok (click on the image to see a larger view), source: TikTok/Screenshots
The Eventbrite integration on TikTok (click on the image to see a larger view), source: TikTok/Screenshots

The new event integration also has great potential in terms of scalability: Since the links for event details or direct in-app ticket purchases are linked to specific content, companies can see in real time which videos perform best – and which ultimately lead to the most ticket purchases. The new function also gives brands insight into which demographic target groups they can best reach. They can use this data to continuously optimize their campaigns. The new feature creates an effective approach to increase reach and increase conversion, particularly for companies in the event industry, but also for the marketing of live workshops, webinars or conferences.

LinkedIn: More precise insights for targeted marketing strategies

The business network LinkedIn is also constantly evolving – and has expanded the range of functions of its analysis tools for content creators. The new functions give companies and corporate influencers deeper insights into the performance of their posts and make it easier to optimize marketing strategies in a more targeted and data-based manner.

Content-Analyse: The expanded tools provide detailed metrics on reach, interactions and audience behavior. Companies can now not only see how many people have seen a post, but also analyze exactly which user groups – based on factors such as job titles or industries – respond particularly strongly to the content. These insights are crucial for companies that want to further refine their targeting – and look like this:

Insights into the career level of followers in the LinkedIn dashboard, source: Weischer.Connect/Katharina Schramm, bar chart
Insights into the career level of followers in the LinkedIn dashboard (click on the image to see a larger view)Source: Weischer.Connect/Katharina Schramm
Insights into the visitors' field of activity in the LinkedIn dashboard, source: Weischer.Connect/Katharina Schramm, bar chart
Insights into the visitors’ field of activity in the LinkedIn dashboard (click on the image to see a larger view)Source: Weischer.Connect/Katharina Schramm

In addition, the improved LinkedIn Analytics Dashboard offers a more detailed analysis of user behavior over time. This allows companies to see exactly which content is particularly well received and which is less successful. This enables even more targeted planning of future campaigns and continuous optimization of the content strategy.

Leading through social media innovations

Even if things can quickly become confusing in the fast-moving world of social networks, it is worth it for companies to stay on top of updates and new features and to be one step ahead of the competition. Whether Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn: the latest innovations offer numerous opportunities to make content more creative and efficient, promote interaction with the target group and make data-based decisions. Companies that actively use these innovations can specifically strengthen their reach and brand loyalty and thus secure a competitive advantage.

The social media trends of late summer

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