“Huh? Is it okay for poop to be this color?”… Baby’s health based on stool color

New parents sometimes worry about whether there is a problem by looking at the color and texture of their child’s stool. (Photo = Getty Image Bank)

When a baby is born, the diaper needs to be changed several times a day. In such cases, new parents sometimes look at the color and texture of their child’s stool and worry whether there is a problem. A baby’s stool changes over the first few days to several months.

According to Dr. Jason Sherman, a pediatrician at the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, most babies’ stools have a slightly watery consistency and begin to have a sticky texture like toothpaste from 4 to 6 months of age. And after the age of 2, it becomes harder like an adult’s stool. So what about the color?

greenish black = The baby passes its first stool, called meconium, about 1 to 2 days after birth. At this time, substances swallowed in the uterus, such as amniotic fluid, intestinal epithelial cells, mucus, and bile, are expelled. It is a very sticky, black, odorless mucous stool. However, if your child is over 3 days old and has black stools, it is best to consult a specialist. Dark, black stools, called melena, can be a sign that blood has entered your baby’s gastrointestinal tract.

Yellow-colored stool with a sweet smell = Breastfed babies pass yellow, watery stool 3 to 4 times every 24 hours during the first week of life. Most babies have bowel movements after each feeding, but the frequency stays the same or decreases later.

Yellow-brown, smelly stool = Babies who are bottle-fed have thicker, darker-colored stools at least once a day from birth. It is usually tan in color, but may also be yellow or green. The consistency is similar to peanut butter.

greenish-brown stools= When you start eating solid foods, you may see green-colored stools. As you eat more food, you may see stools of various colors, such as orange or yellow. Powdered milk may also be the cause.

Brown and hard stool = During infancy, stool gradually becomes hard. During this period, you have a bowel movement every day or every other day. It should be of a consistency that shows an elongated and soft shape, and should not be hard. The smell becomes increasingly similar to that of an adult’s stool.

dark green stools = There is no need to worry even if you see dark green stool. Green stool is commonly seen when taking iron supplements or iron-fortified formula.

stool that appears red = If your stool is red, you should take a close look. You may see red stools when you eat beets or take certain medications, but it can also be mixed with blood. If you see a little blood, it may be due to constipation, but if there is a lot of blood, see a specialist for treatment.

stool white as chalk = If the stool is white, it may be a sign that bile is not being produced properly. If bile, which gives stool its characteristic color, is not produced, stool may appear colorless or white. This may be a sign of a problem with the liver or gallbladder, so seek immediate medical attention.

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Source: kormedi.com