hungarian girls in Greece

This was not the girls’ first competition together, this time they took the stage after almost four hours of sliding, at half past eleven on Sunday evening. The duo gained an advantage even from the disadvantageous situation, they received a total of 168 points for the production. The Greek duo took second place with 132 points. Their preparatory coach and mentor was Hajnalka Molnár, the manager of Hajnal Mozgástér in Székesfehérvár.

Eszter is 14 years old, in the ninth grade, Zsuzsi is 12, she is in the seventh grade. The girls met at the training sessions and became friends there. After the feat, Zsuzska told Magyar Nemzet that in the future she would like to try her hand at other materials, she is preparing to become an actor and would like to do things that show her creativity, but she would also like to try other sports, including ice hockey.

Zsuzsanna Wizl

More than 300 competitors from 18 countries of the world took part in a total of 377 competitions at the POSA Aerial Gymnastics ART World Championship, and young people from the United States of America, South Africa, Israel and many European countries came there.

The Hungarian Air Sports Association, a national sports association, represented Hungary in 57 events with 50 athletes.
