Huron, Alzheimer’s disease prediction AI ‘Huron AD’ acquired by Taiwanese FDA

HeuronAD screen (Photo = Provided by Huron)

(Health Korea News / Changyong Lee) Huron’s AI solution, HeuronAD, received approval from Taiwan’s FDA on the 15th of last month.

Huron AD is an AI solution for early screening of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. After automatically dividing the brain into 98 regions, the degree of atrophy of each region is quantitatively analyzed and provided. It is an MRI-based solution that helps identify the degree of atrophy compared to a healthy brain by providing an atrophy index that takes into account the patient’s age.

With the acquisition of Taiwan’s FDA approval, actual sales of Huron AD are expected to occur at health checkup centers across Taiwan starting this year.

Six years ago, in 2018, Taiwan entered an aging society with the proportion of the population aged 65 or older exceeding 14% of the total population. It is predicted that Taiwan’s aging rate will exceed 20% in 2025, entering a super-aging society. In Taiwan, the level of social interest and investment in degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (dementia) and Parkinson’s disease is steadily increasing, and the importance of early diagnosis of these diseases continues to emerge.

Huron has been actively attempting to enter the Taiwanese market since last year, considering Taiwan’s socio-cultural background and the importance of the Taiwanese market in Asia.

Last June, Huron signed a distribution agreement with medical AI software distributor Chilli Enterprise to distribute degenerative brain disease solutions throughout Taiwan. In May, the company signed an agreement with medical device distributor Progressive Group, Inc. (PGI) to distribute Huron Strocare Suite, an emergency stroke patient screening solution, in Taiwan.

Huron is collaborating with two of Taiwan’s largest distributors to more quickly supply solutions to hospitals across Taiwan and is also pursuing additional licensing approval for its Parkinson’s disease analysis solutions, Huron IPD and Huron Strocare Suite.

Huron CEO Shin Dong-hoon said, “Huron is at the forefront of domestic medical AI companies and is promoting Korean technology to Taiwan based on active pioneering of the Taiwanese market and agreements.” He added, “More of Huron’s solutions will be approved by the Taiwan FDA in the future and will be used in Taiwan.” “We will do our best to drive noticeable actual sales.”

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