“I am a dental surgeon and here are the foods to choose to take care of your teeth”

Today, everyone knows that diet has a major impact on health. Whether it is that of our intestinal microbiota, our skin, our hair or even the state of our morale and… our teeth. And yes, “the health of your teeth also comes from the plate”, recalls Dr. Kévin, dental surgeon star of social networks in a chapter entitled Foods relevant to your teeth in his latest work The incredible power of your teeth (Editions Leduc). Because these are the foods that contribute to the formation of dental plaque which demineralizes the teeth by attacking the enamel.

Thus, if sugary foods such as candies and cookies and sugary and/or acidic drinks such as fruit juices, sodas and coffee risk damaging teeth (we even speak of cariogenic foods), others, on the contrary, are beneficial to them.

We then speak of “cariostatic” foods. These “play a protective role for your teeth, helping to eliminate acids and bacteria, and stimulating saliva production,” explains Dr. Kévin. Which are they?

Dairy products

Milk, sugar-free yogurt and cheese are “good sources of calcium”, “an important mineral for good tooth health”says Dr. Kévin. The latter is particularly complimentary towards the cheese. Indeed, “numerous studies have highlighted its anti-cavities action”. This can be explained in various ways. First of all, cheese contains fatty substances which form a protective film on the teeth. But it is also full of casein, a protein that increases the pH of the mouth, again producing a filter against cavities. Finally, it helps reduce oral acidity at the end of meals. Eating it after the main course also allows you to often skip dessert, thus avoiding sugary foods that are much more harmful to the teeth.

Green vegetables

Devoid of sugar and acidity, green vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, “important for good dental health”, recalls Dr. Kévin. “Also think about apples, carrots, peppers and celery, eaten raw, which stimulate mastication and therefore saliva production. » Saliva helps to naturally regulate acidity in our mouth. Its cleaning function prevents attacks from food remains and acid attacks on tooth enamel and gums.

The fish

The practitioner also recommends letting go on the fish, a “excellent source of fluoride, a mineral, which, as we know, strengthens enamel and helps fight cavities”.


After each meal, drink a glass of water, to hydrate yourself but also to remove the last food debris from your mouth.

Source: www.topsante.com