I am very smart, with an IQ of 200, my children will be rich – different

Snik gave an interview to ‘DownTown’ magazine and talked about his childhood, his divorced parents and why he wears fur and hangs out with a lot of people.

“I am not a child of rich parents. I wish I was. My children will be,” the young rapper said and continued: “When I was little, my mom helped me stay and now that I’m older I help my mom. My parents divorced, I chose to stay with my mom, I grew up without a father figureso the road made me who I am. I have lived alone since I was 16. And it was by my choice. I wanted to have my space. I couldn’t have my mother in the next room, and when I left school, young, I decided I wasn’t cut out for this phase and had to work. I wanted to be my own boss».

At the same time, he clarified what he “plays” with the bullies he allegedly has, stating that they can be his friends, while he emphasized that he is quite intelligent and has an IQ of 200. Of course, Snik is still talking about his relationship with Iliana Papageorgiou.

SNIK: I am not a child of rich parents, my children will be - Noon #Yes | OPEN TV

Source: ethnos.gr

Source: www.diaforetiko.gr