“I can make my penis bigger by teaching myself”… Thai man who has been getting enlargement surgery for 20 years, shocked by the truth

A Thai man who claims to have learned penis enlargement on his own since he was 14 years old and has been performing the procedure for 20 years without a doctor’s license has been arrested by police

“I can make my penis bigger by teaching myself”… Thai man who has been getting enlargement surgery for 20 years, shocked by the truth
A man in Thailand (the man in the photo: Kitikon Songsri) who has been performing male genital enlargement procedures for 20 years without a medical license has been arrested. (Photo = Bangkok Post, Thailand and Daily Mail, UK)

A man has been arrested in Thailand for performing penile enlargement procedures for 20 years without a medical license. The investigation revealed this after a client reported him, claiming that he had a serious infection after receiving silicone injections and was unable to achieve an erection.

According to foreign media outlets such as the Thai media Bangkok Post and the British Daily Mail, Kitikorn Songsri, 36, who lives in Bangkok, has been performing implant surgeries and filler injections on hundreds of patients to enlarge their penises.

This unlicensed practice by Song Sri was discovered after a man reported that he had undergone penile enlargement surgery and was suffering from persistent pain and difficulty in achieving an erection. During the investigation, Song Sri admitted that he is not a doctor and does not have a medical license. He confessed that he stopped his education after attending middle school and taught himself penile implant surgery (insertion) at the age of 14. According to what he revealed during the investigation, he received two to three customers every month, and received 5,000 to 20,000 baht (about 200,000 to 800,000 won) per customer. He advertised his practice on his Facebook page.

Police from Thailand’s Consumer Protection Department conducted an undercover operation to contact Songsri, who pretended to be a patient, and then carried out an arrest operation. Police raided Songsri’s workshop to arrest him. There, they found beds and equipment that did not meet the hygiene standards required for medical procedures.

His office, raided by police, was found to be filled with beds and equipment that did not meet hygiene standards for medical procedures. (Photo: Bangkok Post, Thailand)

Procedures that are expanding to make money by exploiting men’s anxiety…Caution is advised as side effects are difficult to reverse

There are several types of male penis enlargement procedures. One of them is to insert a silicone structure into the penis, similar to breast enlargement. Another method is to cut the internal ligament in the groin area to make the penis look longer, and another method is to inject fillers to thicken the penis.

A penile implant is a device that is inserted through a medical procedure, usually for the purpose of treating erectile dysfunction, and is a device that helps to achieve or maintain an erection. The procedure of inserting a silicone structure into the penis is used for cosmetic purposes to increase its size or shape.

Industry experts say there has been a surge in penis enlargement surgeries since the coronavirus pandemic, due to increased porn consumption and the ability for patients to recover quietly at home due to working from home. This has led to accusations that some companies are exploiting men’s anxiety to make money. Medical experts warn that these procedures only provide short-term results and can have serious side effects. Some men have had severe reactions to injections that have required skin grafts.

Penile fillers can be reversible by dissolving the injection, but research on this risk is still limited. As with facial fillers, if not properly injected into or into the blood vessels, tissue can die. There is also a high risk of the filler moving from the original injection site in the first week after penile enlargement injections, resulting in irregular shapes or foreign bodies. If the filler is not properly injected, it can harden, bruise, or leave permanent deformities, and the injection site can become infected. In severe cases, skin grafts may be needed to repair penile skin tissue, and amputation may also be risked.

Senior doctors from the British Urological Association have warned that there is “no conclusive evidence” that penile filler injections improve sexual function. The group also urged clinics to stop exploiting male anxiety to mislead patients and instead focus on psychological treatment and reassurance.

Last year, a German man died of sepsis after silicone oil injected into his penis enlargement entered his bloodstream. Recently, in Korea, a case was reported in which a man suffered from blisters, bloody discharge, and other infections due to excessive penile filler injection, which resulted in the amputation of 80% of his penis.

Source: kormedi.com