“I can’t express how humiliated I am… I feel worthless.” The Portland mayoral candidate has more than 150 tickets and six license revocations. And she keeps counting

An elected public official should set an example, which includes complying with traffic regulations and living well with other drivers. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, but Carmen Rubio, current candidate for mayor of this city in Oregontakes the cake.

As a driver, Rubio is not exactly exemplary: In the last 20 years, he has accumulated more than 150 traffic fines and has had his driver’s license revoked six times. Far from learning her lesson, she has had a new episode this month: she crashed into a Tesla while parking her car and drove off without leaving a note. The Californian model’s cameras caught her.

“Who does something like that? Who doesn’t leave a note?”

The image in a political campaign is important and Carmen Rubio, as far as the manual of the good and respectable driver is concerned, cannot boast. On Friday, September 13, this candidate for mayor He parked his SUV, a 2017 Nissan Murano, next to a Tesla. He did not do it very diligently, since grazed his front bumper and part of the rim.

Rubio was probably unaware that Teslas have cameras installed and have Sentry Mode: if the system detects any unusual activity it starts recording. This is how the Tesla owner caught Rubio inspecting both cars after parking and leaving without leaving any note despite seeing the scratches.

The damage was evident as the Tesla was white and also spotless, as can be seen. in photos published by The Oregonian. After reviewing the Sentry Mode images, she did leave a note on the Nissan Murano indicating that had a video of the incident and that he would take “further action” if he did not respond. “Who does something like that? Who doesn’t leave a note?” the indignant presenter comments.

Upon seeing the note on her windshield, the mayoral candidate (and current Portland commissioner) quickly contacted the victim, sending her a voice note as well as a text message.I thought I hit something while parking, but I didn’t notice.“I can send you my car insurance information and I’d be happy to talk to you.”

This is how the owner of the Tesla discovered that the uncivilized driver was Carmen Rubio. She did so by searching for her on Google, since she said she did not know her by name as she does not live in the city. And the first thing she found was a news article that revealed her 150 traffic fines accumulated over two decades as a public servant.

“I can’t express how humiliated I feel. I’m so sorry.”Rubio told this host, as she has shown in a recorded conversation. “I feel very ashamed that, during one of the worst weeks of my career, I was careless enough to get nervous and not pay as much attention as I should have. Believe me, I feel useless right now.” She even promised that she would not drive again in the near future.

However, Rubio has not handled this incident correctly. The owner of the Tesla claims that at first He offered to pay for the damages out of his own pocketit is understood so that it would not be recorded and added to his long record. Later he changed his mind: “After reflecting a little, as a public figure, I would like to do this the right way and solve it through our insurance companies,” he told her in a message.

Parking fine
Parking fine

Hundreds of unpaid parking tickets. The Tesla owner, along with her partner, thought long and hard about whether to make the case public or not. In the end she decided to do so: “It all comes down to a simple question of integrity.” And she assures that it has nothing to do with her political leanings, since she defines herself as a liberal democrat: precisely the party for which Rubio is running.

Beyond the couple’s intentions and possible electoral interests, what is clear is Rubio’s negligent history of traffic fines. According to an investigation by The Oregonianbased on court records, they have not only put him More than 150 finesbut rather has not paid most for months or even years.

So much so that he has been convicted several times for it. This has been the reason why his license has been suspended on six occasions in the last two decades: for not showing up when required to do so by court order and for not paying fines. On one occasion, his car was even seized.

Many shopping centres have parking spaces reserved for families. What prevents me from parking if I am driving alone?

The vast majority of these tickets, although some are for speeding, are for illegal parking. And by date, these illegal parking violations were committed when she was already a Portland commissioner and, therefore, a member of the City Council.

And it seems that he continues to do so: the most recent sanction was imposed this summer, after leave the car in a loading and unloading area on a street just one block from City Hall. It is far from being a good calling card for a mayoral candidate, who will demand that other citizens comply with traffic regulations.

This could cost him, and rightly so, his candidacy. In 2012, Another Portland City Council candidate ended up losing the election precisely when it became public that his driving licence had been revoked four times. For the moment, the road safety advocacy association ‘Street Trust Action Fund’ has already withdrawn its support which he had previously made public after his last incident“We are denying support to his campaign until we see real change.”

Source: www.motorpasion.com