”I Didn’t Like Any of Her Boyfriends”: Diletta Leotta’s Brother Talks About the Host’s Exes and Also About Loris Karius –

  • Mirko Manola, a 45-year-old plastic surgeon, confides: “I’m protective of him”
  • “I am a jealous brother and I immediately looked for the flaws, only to change my mind after knowing them”

Mirko Manola, brother of Diletta Leottaon the pages of Diva and Woman tells the relationship he lives with the famous 33 year old presenterThe 45-year-old plastic surgeon does not deny himself: talks about her sister’s exes and also about Loris Kariusher husband married on June 22, 2024. She and the 31-year-old footballer are parents of Aria, who just turned one on August 16. I didn’t like any of her boyfriends.reveals the doctor.

”I didn’t like any of her boyfriends”: Diletta Leotta’s brother talks about the presenter’s exes and also about Loris Karius

“We have different surnames because we are brothers on the mother’s side – explains Mirko – My mother separated from my father when I was three years old, then she married Rosario Leotta and Diletta arrived. She is my little sister, I am twelve years older than her, I am the only male in the family, I also have two older sisters, and I’m protective of him”.

Manola, precisely to protect Diletta, has always been critical of her boyfriends: At first I didn’t like any of them because I’m a jealous brother and I immediately looked for faults.only to change my mind after meeting them”. “I remember when she told me she was engaged to Daniele Scardina: a boxer, all tattooed and who, at the time, had a blond crest – continues the doctor – In my eyes he was an unsuitable boyfriend.. Then I met him and I realized how wrong I was…”.

Mirko arrives at Loris: he didn’t like him that much at first either.But he is German, we are Sicilians, we are two different worlds, it will never work”he had told Leotta. “I was wrong again – admits – Loris is a very sweet, affectionate person. At the moment my sister is filming a Mediaset program, La Talpa, she is always busy and Aria, their little girl, is with Loris in Germany. Anyway, I liked all of Diletta’s boyfriends, also because being with her is not easy. Let’s say he has a difficult character…”.

Mirko Manola with his famous sister and the rest of the family

The brother reveals that Diletta “she’s a little spoiled!”. “Being with Diletta is not easy: she is an independent woman, she knows exactly what she wants”he adds. Mirko also confides that his marriage to Irene Simeone is already in the final credits: “Yes, some important misunderstandings have emerged and we broke up. We were married for a year and a half, we have a little girlSveva, one year old, and now her serenity is our priority”.

When asked about his sister’s alleged touch-ups, Manola clarifies: “I don’t want to answer this question. But I can say that Having your breasts or nose redone is now normal and does not automatically mean you have had a complete makeover. I’m speaking in general, not about my sister, mind you.”

Source: www.gossip.it