I doubt that the security tax will be abolished

“We have indeed agreed on a temporary tax, and it will be in effect for the set period. However, given that the state budget is expected to have a significant deficit by 2028 after the Riigikogu elections, to which will be added a deficit of 200 million euros in the healthcare sector, I can say that it will not be possible to completely abolish the current taxes, at least some of them, in order to announce this at the elections,” Läänemets said on the Esimene stuudio program, reports rus.err.ee

“This is roughly the same result that Kaja Kallas acknowledged before the elections. If we announce a tax cut now, it may not be the right step. But I admit that taxes can be cut, but then they will have to be raised elsewhere. I think that the Social Democrats will definitely go to the elections with a promise to cut taxes, for example, it would be reasonable to reduce the turnover tax and thereby slightly increase the contribution of entrepreneurs,” he added.

The presenter asked Läänemets whether the Social Democrats think that the security tax will remain.

“Yes. For example, defense spending in 2028, 2029, 2030 will increase by 200-300 million euros annually. If we cut taxes, how will we be able to pay for it? Everyone talks about a tax festival, but in my opinion there was a bigger festival of cuts, at least that’s what it seemed to me at the government table,” he replied.

Source: www.dv.ee