You can gain weight for various reasons, such as lack of sleep and stress.
Summer is a season when you are particularly sensitive to your weight. If you consume more calories than usual or reduce your exercise, you may gain weight. However, if you think about it, your lifestyle habits haven’t changed much, you can’t help but be surprised. Based on data from WebMD, an American health media outlet, we will look into the reasons why you gain weight without realizing it.
lack of sleep= There are two problems with sleep and weight gain. First, staying up late increases the likelihood of snacking, which leads to more calories consumed. Second, hormonal changes when sleep is lacking increase hunger and appetite, and reduce feelings of fullness after eating.
Extreme stress= When our body becomes stressed, it goes into ‘survival mode’. At this time, the ‘stress hormone’ cortisol is secreted and activates the appetite part to survive. The fact that high-calorie food comes to mind when you are stressed is also a trick of hormones. If you go over this point, it can cause weight gain.
Antidepressant side effects = Some antidepressants have side effects associated with weight gain. If you think you are gaining weight from antidepressants, you may want to change your treatment plan. However, do not stop or change your medication on your own; consult your doctor. If you take medication on your own, it can lead to depression as well as weight changes.
Taking steroids = Anti-inflammatory steroid drugs such as prednisone cause weight gain. The main reasons are fluid retention and increased appetite. Some people report that they have experienced fat accumulation in certain areas such as the face, abdomen, and the back of the neck while taking steroids. If you have been taking steroids for more than a week, consult your doctor rather than stopping suddenly.
Drugs that cause weight gain= Among the prescription drugs that we are not aware of, there are drugs that are associated with weight gain. These include antipsychotics, migraine medications, high blood pressure medications, and diabetes medications. You can discuss with your doctor and change the medication to one that can reduce side effects while treating your symptoms.
If you are concerned about birth control pills = There is no evidence that combined contraceptives (estrogen and progestin) cause weight gain. Some people say that they gain weight while taking contraceptives, but this is only temporary. If you are concerned, you can consult your doctor and try a different pill.
Hypothyroidism= If your thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones, you may experience fatigue, weakness, coldness, and weight gain. A lack of thyroid hormones slows your metabolism, making weight gain easier. Treating hypothyroidism with medication can reverse some of the weight gain.
Menopause is not the only cause = Most women gain weight during menopause. But it’s not just about hormones. As you age, your metabolism slows down, which can also be a factor, as can lifestyle changes like less exercise. But the areas where you gain weight can be related to menopause, and it’s mostly around your waist.
Cushing’s syndrome= Weight gain is a common symptom of Cushing’s syndrome. This syndrome occurs when there is excessive exposure to the stress hormone cortisol, causing weight gain and other abnormalities. It can occur when taking steroids to treat asthma, arthritis, and lupus. Weight gain is most noticeable in the face, neck, and upper body.
No smoking = Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do, just like exercising. However, you may gain some weight after quitting smoking, but on average, it is less than 4.5 kg. After a few weeks, you will no longer feel hungry, so losing weight becomes easier.