“I have a pretty poor sense of conservation”

  • A new season of the “Cronicari Digitali” podcast started on Thursday and can be watched on YouTube or listened to on all audio podcast applications available for Romania;
  • Musician Adrian Despot, actors Dorina Chiriac and Marius Manole, writers Ioana Pârvulescu and Gabriel Liiceanu, journalist Cătălin Striblea or star Dana Rogoz and architect Alexandru Dabija, together with Anna Ungureanu, conductor of the Madrigal Choir, and Simona Strungaru, conductor of the Big Band- of Radio Romania, delight us with new stories and reveal themselves to us as they rarely did in front of their audience;
  • In addition to culture, pop culture, history and architecture have become permanent topics in 2024;
  • Along with the cultural journalist Diana Popescu, the main moderator, the blogger Ana Rubeli, the writer Marius Chivu and the creator of the first social media newsletter, Răzvan Moței are the co-moderators of the episodes of the new season.

On Thursday, September 19, the 10th season of the Cronicari Digitali podcast began. The podcast can also be watched on video on YouTube, and the grid contains, from 2024, three pillar themes, each with its own co-moderator: culture, pop culture, as well as history and architecture. Moreover, story places host the podcast footage. The new media product is co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration and supported by the Romanian Order of Architects from the Architectural Stamp.

“The Cronicari Digitali podcast is the only new media product, with uninterrupted appearance since April 2020, that addresses cultural themes that everyone can understand. It is a necessary and refreshing decoder, if you think that this season too, the followers will be able to clearly identify the Cronicari Digitali brand – that of the associations of extremely serious themes with others that occupy our everyday lives, but also the compilation, as a profile of guests, prestigious personalities with the new wave of artists or influencers whose voices are reflected in the construction of the values ​​of the younger generations. The podcast still aims to be a platform of different opinions, generations, topics, one where tolerance and education for democracy are strengths of other topics – culture, pop culture, history and architecture. We would like to thank AFCN and OAR for evaluating and funding this editorial product whose relevance continues to animate our work, SAYS Silvia TeodorescuZaga Brand Managing Partner and coordinator of the Cronicari Digitali platform.

The new season of the podcast will explore cultural topics, but also the phenomena belonging to the field of pop culture and architecture. Diana Popescu, a cultural journalist with a lot of experience, is the main moderator throughout the season, and alongside her, Ana Rubeli, Marius Chivu and Răzvan Moței are the three co-moderators for the three big topics of discussion.

Marius Manole: “The actor is a permanent open wound”

In the first episode of the new season of the “Cronicari Digitali” podcast, actor Marius Manole talks to us about emotion and how theatergoers come to feel involved and in love.

“It is not for nothing that they say that the actor is a permanent open wound, because we work – especially in dramas, but also in comedies – with traumas, with wounds, with sufferings, with our failures, with our unloves. That’s how we work so that the emotion can come out. And emotion works and works on you very passively. And then you, as a spectator, feel attracted, you feel involved, you feel in love and you don’t know why, and what hit you, and what’s happening to you”, he says Marius Manole.

The actor also talks about the fact that he does not like to limit himself, and from here to a rather precarious sense of preservation is only a step.

“I think I see the limits, I feel them, most of the time, but I don’t like to limit myself. And I don’t like knowing that I can’t do a thing. And then I desperately throw myself, whatever happens, I don’t care what happens after, I don’t care if another accident happens, which is stupid: I have a rather precarious sense of preservation”, he reveals to us Marius Manole.

Ioana Pârvulescu: “I was among the first chiulangi as possible”

In another episode of the “Cronicari Digitali” podcast, the writer Ioana Pârvulescu talks about her non-conformism, about the “sinister” habits that have become established in literary criticism, she also tells us what she thinks about artificial intelligence that can create in the style of a writer , as well as what his biggest fear is.

“At least in the first year of college I was among the first chiulangi as possible, because I lived in Balta Albă and it was very difficult to get to. I was, in my own way, a conformist, but beyond that, I am a man who loves non-conformism”he tells Ioana Pârvulescu.

Adrian Despot, for those who want to make music: “The first thing you have to do is resign”

Adrian Despot spoke to us about the “Phenomental” phenomenon and what it means to live from music, about how important “hunger” is when you are an artist and want to create, but also what is the first thing you have to do when you really get into music. Adrian Despot also told about the time he spent at the School of the Stars, which made him swear that he would never play a role, and about his shyness in his first years at Vița de Vie, which made him “hide” behind the booths on scene.

The first thing you have to do, if you really want to make music, is to resign and give yourself five years to make your art. And then draw a conclusion,” he said Adrian Despot.

Dorina Chiriac: “I’m not passionate about being an actress. The show physically hurts me”

The actress Dorina Chiriac gave us surprising confessions about her childhood, how she was noticed as a pioneer and became a “level zero reciter” at the shows where Nicolae Ceaușescu could be present, the shock she felt when she traveled to Strasbourg during communism and how “unconscious” she was when she gave admission to acting.

“I’m not passionate about being an actress. That’s why it wasn’t even the first thought. I am passionate about human nature, the study of human nature. The show physically hurts me, I’m paralyzed with emotion”he confessed Dorina Chiriac.

The actress also spoke about the complicated and beautiful story of her daughter, Sonia, and the voice she has become in her battle with the epilepsy system. “When I ask, I ask for concrete things that fundamentally change (…). Nothing can really change in the medical system as long as we don’t have the national register of patients”Dorina Chiriac tells us.

The opening of the new season will be quickly followed by an abundance of surprises – from contests with prizes on social media to special series launched, part of this fall schedule of the “Digital Chronicles” podcast.

The filming was done with the support of The Marmorosch Bucharest Autograph Collection, the Faculty of Letters – University of Bucharest and the “Carol I” Central University Library.

Watch the new season of the podcast VIDEOpe YouTube.comor AUDIO pe Spotify and on Apple.

Platform Digital Chroniclesproduced by the PR agency Zaga Brand, the Human Made Art Association and the National Institute of Heritage managed to bring together a vast community of people concerned with cultural values, personalities, experts, stars, content creators, and runs offline and online projects annually which are distinguished by creativity and innovative ways of digital storytelling. Digital Chronicles develops new media, social media, BTL, PR products for brands and institutions concerned with cultural heritage, cultural tourism, gastronomy, multi-ethnicity and communities.

Source: www.iqads.ro