I have no ambitions to be prime minister now

The president of the DK divided everyone: “Orbán is an authoritarian political scoundrel. (…) Most of the Hungarian independent press is in a worse condition than the DK at the moment. (…) If someone with the habitus of Péter Magyar can get close to governing, it means drama. (…) One of the many lies is that two-thirds of it is because of me.”

The opposition political group or its leader who thinks that it can eliminate this political trend that we represent and defeat Orbán at the same time will fail, Ferenc Gyurcsány stated in the A telex in his interview about the Tisza Party. The president of the DK stated about his own party, which won just over 8 percent in the June 9 EP election in alliance with MSZP and Párbeszéd: “without the habitus that they and their voters represent, it is not possible to get a majority. ” – Taking responsibility is not synonymous with resignation. Taking responsibility is facing whether you made a mistake, whether you had a mistake that you now have to throw up in your face. This needs to be discussed – he said when asked why he did not consider leaving after the result or withdrawing into the background.

On the one hand, the party leader tried to reassure everyone by saying that “I have no ambitions for prime minister now”, but he also told everyone that after his wife, Klára Dobrev, whose “role is finished, she has no candidacy” she will once again be “the face” of the DK to. – The normal basic situation arises: the president of the party leads the party – he added and promised that in the current “struggle phase” he will participate more operatively in the life of the DK. He also eliminated his political rivals and allies. Regarding his old opponent, the Prime Minister and the ruling party, he stated that the DK cannot be mentioned with Fidesz, Gyurcsány with Orbán on the same page. “I am a decent but far from perfect constitutional democrat, and Orbán is an authoritarian political scoundrel,” he said to the prime minister. There was also self-praise: “I think I’m serving my country damn well with this community, we’re damn good patriots.” According to him, they are the true hope of those who want a strong, federal Europe.

In the Gyurcsány interview, the names of the former and future people responsible for the fate of the country were not left out: “One of the many lies is that two-thirds is because of me”, then he singled out 2018 from among the many and stated that, for example, he considered the then co-presidents of the LMP to be responsible , Bernadette Szél and Ákos Hadházy, but also holds Krisztina Baranyi and Jobbik responsible for believing that “they can do anything”. According to him, Hungary does not have a Gyurcsány problem, but an Orbán problem, and the problems of those who support Gyurcsány.

Ferenc Gyurcsány gave a lecture on the fight for decency

Péter Magyar and his party, who achieved approximately 30 percent success in the EP elections, could not be left out either. – The Tisza Party, whose leader shares Orbán’s views on European issues and rule of law issues, cannot unite the opposition that opposes Orbán. According to the party chairman, they are facing a drama: there are as many voters against Orbán as there are for him, and if the opposition does not understand that there is no other way than full-scale, good faith, trusting cooperation, then we are in trouble.

– If someone with a Hungarian habitus can get close to governing, it means drama. If a situation arises where someone wants to dictate who the 106 representatives will be in 2026, then there is a big problem. Don’t allow such a formation to win, because then there will be a lot of disappointment, he predicted, but he still said that to what extent the voters want Péter Magyar to be the Prime Minister candidate in 2026, then DK will sit down for a long time and decide. Now there is no reason to rule out the candidacy of the Tisza vice president. So far, he has not proven his suitability, that is still waiting for him – he said, partly contradicting himself.

Ferenc Gyurcsány: Viktor Orbán is the most embarrassing guy in Europe Ferenc Gyurcsány: The Democratic Coalition best understands the depth of the fight against Orbánism

He did not leave out the press in his assessment of Ferenc Gyurcsány, and it turned out that he has “his biggest dispute with the self-proclaimed independent press”, which, according to him, assume a political role. Of his separate battle with 444, he noted, “There’s some excellent writing there, too,” but I felt like “these guys are out to kill me politically.” – he said, adding that most of the Hungarian independent press is in a worse condition than the DK.

In the end, the former prime minister praised Mayor Gergely Karácsony a little because, according to him, they both think that the government is harming the country. However, he also assigned tasks to him as if he were his boss. – Now his task is to organize a majority in such a way that the majority of representatives in the general assembly do not share his political orientation. This mandate is more important than any partisan agreement, emphasized Ferenc Gyurcsány.

According to Ferenc Gyurcsány, the cause of the problems should not be found in whether some representatives of the opposition are suitable for their tasks. Ferenc Gyurcsány quoted from Greek mythology, according to Péter Magyar, he should retire already, for which reason the homeland would be grateful to him. Ferenc Gyurcsány: There will be no change of government in 2026 either. if the democratic forces do not cooperate

Source: nepszava.hu