“I have to go to work, but what should I do with my broken front tooth?”

Implants that take 6 months are done in one day… Looking into the effectiveness of ‘instant implants’

Mr. A (43), who had been playing soccer at a nearby school playground after waking up at dawn, had an embarrassing experience last weekend. While fighting for an aerial ball with an opposing defender, his head collided and his front teeth broke off.

When I went to the dentist, they said, “Unfortunately, we have no choice but to pull the tooth in this condition.” I had to go to work, but my job required me to do a lot of external sales work, so it was a very difficult situation.

“I have to go to work, but what should I do with my broken front tooth?”
(Photo = Clip Art Korea)

The hospital said, “After extracting the tooth, placing the implant, and placing the final prosthesis, it usually takes between 3 months and 6 months.” They also said, “Depending on the condition of the gum bone, or alveolar bone, it can take more than a year.”

It was burdensome to have to visit the hospital frequently, but the fact that it took a long time was even more burdensome. He wanted to shorten the treatment period as much as possible.

Recently, with the advancement of implant technology, I have also learned that there is something called an ‘immediate implant’. This is where an implant is placed right in the same spot where the tooth was extracted, and a temporary prosthesis is placed on top of it on the same day.

If possible, it is a very tempting method. However, several conditions must be met. First of all, it is possible only if there is no systemic disease and the alveolar bone of the extracted tooth is healthy. Fortunately, these conditions were okay.

Director Hyun-ok Yoon of Ulsan Woori Dental Clinic said, “After a tooth extraction, the alveolar bone surrounding the tooth begins to be absorbed at a rapid rate,” and added, “Placing an implant at the same time as the tooth extraction not only shortens the overall treatment period, but also helps preserve the soft and hard tissues around the tooth.”

If a considerable amount of time passes while a tooth is missing, the strong alveolar bone in that area gradually weakens and melts, which is a side effect, but this can be prevented. It also prevents the teeth from becoming misaligned as the surrounding teeth move into the space where the tooth is missing.

Surgical method that shortens the treatment period… Even doctors say it is a “difficult procedure”, such as implant direction and angle

In order to get an ‘immediate implant’, other conditions must also be met. There must be no inflammation in the gums, and the area must be visible, such as the front teeth, so immediate production of a prosthesis to fill the empty space is necessary.

Today’s implants are like ‘second teeth’ that replace lost teeth, not only allowing you to eat, chew, and speak, but also allowing you to smile brightly again. That’s why it’s important to meet an experienced doctor.

When implanting an implant in a vacant space where a tooth has been extracted, there are many variables that affect the success of the surgery. In addition to carefully examining the locations of the nerves and blood vessels in the oral cavity, the condition of the teeth and gum bones must be accurately checked, and the location, spacing, direction, depth, and angle of the implant must be well understood. In particular, the minute details such as direction and angle can prevent situations in which chronic inflammation occurs later and reoperation is ultimately required.

This means that you can increase the success rate by thoroughly planning the implantation in advance. In addition, because the front teeth must also take aesthetic factors into consideration, dentists consider front tooth implants to be a more difficult procedure than inner molar implants.

Director Yoon said, “In order to use the implant comfortably and for a long time, it is necessary to determine the optimal location for the gum bone and occlusion of the surrounding teeth using a dental CT or 3D digital device.” He added, “If it is not properly fixed in the beginning, the risk of failure increases due to inflammation.”

Regarding ‘instant implant’, Director Yoon Hyeon-ok of Ulsan Woori Dental Clinic said, “Since it is a relatively difficult procedure, you need to make a thorough implantation plan in advance to increase the success rate.” (Photo = Comedy.com)

‘Instant implant’ requires the experience and skill of the doctor, but the patient’s cooperation is equally important. In particular, hard or chewy foods are absolutely prohibited during the period when the gum bone is recovering.

If the prosthesis shakes or falls off, the angle and depth of the well-placed implant can become messed up. In that case, it is natural to have a second surgery to place the implant again or to extend the treatment period.

In addition, you should avoid drinking and smoking for 1 to 3 weeks after surgery. You should also refrain from strenuous exercise or activities that cause you to sweat a lot.

Source: kormedi.com