I love you madly, Slav. The best legionnaire who played in Slovakia talks about a bad period. I didn’t want anyone to worry – Other – Football

He had the reputation of the best legionnaire who ever ran on Slovak lawns. He won three championship titles with Slovan. Argentinian Fabio Nigro, who was also personally acquainted with Diego Maradona, admitted that in the recent past he had suffered from serious health problems.

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Fabio Nigro during his time in Slovan.

He himself loves not only the Bratislava club but the whole of Slovakia, which he considers his second home.

He even speaks Slovak at a very good level.

“It is a difficult language. But I had to learn it, I ate off your plate for three years, people deserved to know what I think, what I feel. I communicate with fans in Slovak every day, I write and read. After all, your country has grown close to my heart,” said Nigro in an earlier interview for Pravda.

Nigro currently lives in his native Junín and works as a social worker.

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To this day, he has a profile photo on Facebook of “white” fans who greeted their favorite with a banner: “Fabio gracias. The model of a proper legionnaire.’

It was on the social network that he added a status in which he describes a difficult period.

“The malignant tumor has reached my throat. I didn’t want anyone to worry. I’m recovering today, everything will be fine. I love you madly Slovan and my dear Slovakia,” the 57-year-old Argentine sent a sincere message.

Source: sportweb.pravda.sk