I received one big slap, says the fastest Slovak woman on MMM. I couldn’t breathe, I ran into the bushes to go to the toilet – Athletics

The men’s track record from last year stood, the women’s fell. The International Peace Marathon (MMM) in Košice celebrated its centenary in style. Kenyan Denis Chirchir enjoyed the victory, who triumphed in 2:07:50 h. Rebbeca Tanui took the victory among women (2:21:08).

“There was a very strong wind blowing in some sections. Around the thirty-second kilometer, I started to believe that I could win.

I had enough strength and managed to close the lead of the leading pair. About a kilometer before the end, I got into the lead and didn’t let it go,” said a satisfied Chirchir.

The Kenyan admitted that two days before the race he was troubled by stomach problems, but he was able to cope well even with his unfavorable health condition.

At the same time, the winner of the Košice marathon pointed out the essence that MMM already carries in its name.

“A world in which peace reigns is a happy world,” Chirchir said.

His words were followed up by the fastest Slovak at the finish, which was Martin Rusina from the BMSC Bratislava team.

“It’s a very important message. I’m happy that we can talk to Slovaks, Germans or Poles together.

At the breakfast before the marathon, we met several nationalities and no one had a problem with anyone. I believe that we will see peace and tranquility everywhere,” says Rusina.

I had tears in my eyes

Last year he made his debut at the MMM and this year he even triumphed over last year’s Slovak winner and teammate Marek Hladík. After the race, he admitted when he was experiencing the most difficult moments on the track.

“It was about the tenth kilometer. I saw my parents and woke up a little. Tears came to my eyes.

It was very emotional for me. I experienced the most beautiful moments in front of the finish line, when people encouraged me and pushed me forward. The atmosphere in Košice is electrifying every time. I haven’t experienced that anywhere else,” states Rusina.

The biggest problems were caused by the wind, which, according to the forecast, should not have been nearly as strong as it turned out to be.

“It’s amazing that despite the weather conditions I was able to improve my personal record by three minutes. I’m very happy, although I was after the title of champion of Slovakia more than I was after an individual,” admits Rusina.

Veronika Páleníková, the fastest Slovak at the finish line of the Košice Marathon, had much bigger problems.

After catching up, paramedics took her into custody at the finish line. They treated her for almost forty minutes. According to her own words, she suffered extremely on the track.

“I got one big marathon slap in the form of all possible problems and cramps. Even in the first half, I had to go to the toilet.

I had to stop and run into the bushes, as there were no mobile toilets in that section. Even before that, I got severe cramps in my stomach and I couldn’t breathe normally,” Páleníková began describing her hardships on the track.

Having to stop, she lost her pace and the group she was running with. With any attempt to speed up, she felt pain and other spasms, which significantly limited her. Also for that reason, she was extremely satisfied with the championship and the time of 2:44:44.

“It was a test of moral and willpower qualities. I’m proud that I didn’t give up. I would be very sorry if I didn’t finish the race.

I knew that the pain I was feeling would pass with time. If I had given up, it would have hurt much more and for longer,” Páleníková thinks.

Brutal atmosphere, says Fialková

Former biathlete and two-time Slovak Olympian Ivona Fialková also got a great experience from the oldest marathon in Europe. In Košice, she experienced her marathon premiere, after which she had a typical smile on her face.

“I enjoyed the first half of the race, I suffered in the second. I managed to run a time around 3:30, which was my goal.

The atmosphere here was literally “brutal”. I don’t regret coming to Košice at all. I thank all the spectators, thanks to whom the Košice Marathon is so legendary,” praised Fialková.

Before the race, she chose a clear strategy to run every kilometer under five minutes, which she finally succeeded in doing.

Photo: Veronika Mihaliková

SR Athletics MMM Košice KEX Ivona Fialková during the marathon premiere in Košice.

She did not hesitate for a moment when asked in which section she experienced the most challenging moments.

“Everyone says that the thirtieth kilometer is the turning point in a marathon. It was confirmed to me. I was doing great until then, and from my thirties everything started to hurt. It was a big fight. I tried to keep my pace and especially not to slack off,” says the 29-year-old Slovak.

During her career, she was more used to different terrain. However, she did not miss the snow or the rifle on her back.

“It’s something completely different. It’s an endurance run, which is primarily about the head and the determination not to give up. Biathlon is more about speed. As for the rifle, I definitely didn’t miss the four extra kilos during such a long run.

To tell the truth, I don’t think about shooting at all anymore,” admits Fialková, who plans to return to Košice for the next editions of the MMM.

The chance that sister Paulína would come with her to Košice in the future is very low. The reason is that they do not share the same passion for running.

“Paula always preferred roller skates, but as they say: Never say never,” says Fialková.

Source: sportweb.pravda.sk