“I thank the psychologist, they told coach Mancini…”

Mario Balotelli returns to speak after a long silence. The footballer is currently releasedwithout a team, and is waiting for a new challenge to return to the field. In the meantime he is training at Brescia and opened up 360 degrees, talking about the depression that has hit him, how he is overcoming it and how he is FIGCthe Italian football federation, has, according to him, pushed the former coach Roberto Mancini not to call him up for the national team.

Mario Balotelli Today: What He Does, Where He Plays

At 34 he is a Balotelli mature the one who grants himself a long interview in which he talks about present e pastwaiting for a future that is still to be written for him.

L’ex Inter e Milan is looking for a team but is not waiting with his hands in his pockets. For two months he has train alone to Chestnut-tree (Brescia) with the athletic trainer Stephen Mazzoldi and, as he himself says, he is ready to return.

Photo source: IPA

Mario Balotelli with his brother Enock

Mario Balotelli and training: he wants to return to Serie A

Speaking to the microphones of Dazn, SuperMario has traced his new routine: in the morning training sessions between the gym and the field since Monday at a pace never experienced before.

“If I had always trained like I do now, I would have had a career Still improve than I had. Now I’m fine, I’m training every day,” he admitted.

Despite the many offers he has received from abroad, Balotelli wants to return to Italy Serie A and wait Italy. “I am convinced that I can play with anyone”, this is the message sent to the teams of our top league so that they give him a chance.

Balotelli and depression: the confession and how he overcame the disease

Not just the pitch though, Mario Balotelli spoke about his vita even outside of football, how the environment has changed him. “Football still makes me felice. I have never been very interested in criticism in itself, but today it is starting to annoy me a bit. I don’t understand why they are trying to put me in bad luce”.

The striker spoke openly for the first time about having suffered from depressionIt happened in 2019when he played at Marseille: “I felt solo, sadunmotivated, unprotected. I relied on my family and a psychological path”. A path that he is still following and in which he is now “at a level advanced

Speaking to a professional in this field has changed him – admits Balotelli – it has given him greater awareness of himself, making it easier for him to control himself. A psychological path that the player himself recommends ai Boys. “I regret not having started earlier, it is a very strong weapon”, he concluded.

Balotelli and the National Team: the accusation against the FIGC and the relationship with Mancini

Mario Balotelli also takes it out on the FIGCguilty, according to him, of having pushed the coach Roberto Mancini not to summon him. “I’m sure it wasn’t a his choice”, he accuses. Now, however, his goal is to ensure that the new selector Luciano Spalletti be “obliged” to summon him in Nationalthanks to his future performances on the pitch.

Rewinding the tape of memories, Balotelli talks about the 2018the moment in which he begins to feel ill, a condition that leads him to take “a series of bad choices, how to come and play Brescia. I had to fight with myself to keep playing and not give in to the temptation to to retire”, he admitted.

What bothers him most is the fact that people still talk about him using so many prejudices. “No one can say that he ruined the locker rooms or argued with the coaches. Today we hear about doping, drugs, bettingI have never done this stuff here. What have I done that was so serious to receive more serious prejudice than people who have done illegal things for football”, asks and asks himself Mario Balotelli.


Photo source: ANSA

Source: notizie.virgilio.it