“I Tried Putting Magnesium Oil On My Feet To Sleep Better – Here’s What Happened After Just 3 Nights”

London-based journalist Kat Storr is no stranger to bad nights. After years of sleep problems and restless leg syndrome, she had little hope of ever getting a full, restful night’s sleep again. “I tried every method to try to learn how to sleep better. While some of them worked in the short term, none of them helped me get a good night’s sleep,” she wrote on Woman and Home.

Everything changed the day her massage therapist told her about using magnesium oil on her feet. “I had never heard of it before and although it seemed strange at first, once I started learning about the benefits of magnesium, I knew I had to try it.” Here are her reasons for giving it a try:

To sleep better

According to experts interviewed by the journalist, applying magnesium oil to the soles of the feet can help the body maintain its circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality.

Research conducted by Cardiff University and published in the Journal for Neutraceutical Research suggest that absorption of magnesium begins immediately when applied to the skin, unlike a longer effect with tablets.

Kat Storr didn’t feel any benefit the first night. “However, after three days, I woke up feeling so rested that I realized the oil must have worked. After I started using the oil, I fell asleep right away. No more lying awake listening to foxes on the street or my husband snoring.”

“For a product that is inexpensive and very easy to apply, this seems like a game changer for women like me who struggle with sleep,” she says.

To reduce restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome is a frustrating sleep problem for many people, characterized by an irresistible urge to move the legs and feet. Magnesium oil is said to help with restless legs symptoms by calming the nervous system, especially when dopamine levels drop as night approaches.

To reduce joint pain

« Magnesium has been shown to aid in calcium absorption in the body and normal muscle function,” says Storr. If you have pain, magnesium oils and sprays can be a way to ease the discomfort.

Sprays and gels containing magnesium and glucosamine, a natural compound found in cartilage, are said to be particularly helpful when applied directly to muscles.

To relieve anxiety

While proper professional help is essential to manage a mental health issue, “some people find that magnesium can help relieve feelings of anxiety as it has been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol,” the journalist explains.

Nutritionist Thalia Pellegrini, quoted by Kat Storr, adds that studies from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Vermont show that postmenopausal women with higher magnesium levels “reported less severe depression,” she says. “However, the required dose is easier to achieve with oral supplementation.”

To support bone density

Our bodies need magnesium to build new bones, increase vitamin D levels, and use calcium efficiently. While magnesium is helpful in improving bone mineral density, there are no scientific studies that have verified the effectiveness of magnesium oils and sprays for this purpose.

Other types of magnesium supplements are available, however, Pellegrini notes. “There are powders to mix with water, capsules to swallow, salts to add to the bath, and oils that we can apply to our skin,” she says.

When in doubt, always talk to your doctor before taking any new supplements. If you are taking other medications, it is advisable to check that magnesium, whatever its form, does not interact with other molecules.

Source: www.topsante.com