”I Wanted to Be Emo Since I Was 5”: Anna Lou Castoldi, Daughter of Morgan and Asia Argento, Talks About Her Unique Look Between Piercings and Tattoos –

  • The 20 year old at Dancing: “Called because I am their daughter, but I am not just their projection”
  • “I know there are prejudices, even because of my appearance, but I would like to help open horizons”

He is aware of it and says it without problems. He will be in the cast of Dancing with the Stars. Anna Lou Castoldi at the Evening Courier dice: Called because she is the daughter of Morgan and Asia Argento, but I am not just a projection of them. The 20-year-old also talks about her particular look between piercing and tattoo and admits: “I wanted to be emo since I was 5 years old”.

”I wanted to be emo since I was 5”: Anna Lou Castoldi, daughter of Morgan and Asia Argento, talks about her particular look between piercings and tattoos

The girl has broad shoulders. They ask her why Milly Carlucci chose her, Anna Lou answers: “She definitely knew me because of my parents, Asia Argento and Morgan. There’s no denying it. But then he told me that he saw something interesting in me.. Being the daughter of my parents cannot represent a prejudice because it is a fact. But my person is not merely reduced to being a daughter. No one is just a son, not even me.”

She has facial piercings, often atypical makeup, tattoos and a particular style. Prejudice is often around the corner. Castoldi explains: “Yes, I am often asked why I dress or wear makeup like that. The most important point is that I like it. Ever since I was five and looked at emo kids out the window I wanted to be like them. Wearing certain clothes or putting on makeup in a certain way for me simply means expressing who I am, representing the subcultures I feel close to, like when I choose what music to listen to. I know that many people see me like this and think they are dealing with a rebel or, worse, a rude or angry person. But it doesn’t mean anything.: among the kindest and most respectful people I know are my punk friends.”

The 20 year old at Dancing: “Called because I am their daughter, but I am not just their projection”

Anna Lou immediately adds: “I’m punk, I’m emo… in my eyes there are all the alternative subcultures that live the same sense of social discrimination. I am nothing, I am Anna Lou. I’m a person who listens to a lot of different music and is very interested in studying these movements.”

A DJ, a bit part actress, a song lyrics and poems writer, Anna Lou is a bit anxious about becoming a well-known character: That one scares me: all my life I have been avoiding this thing, posing as an anonymous person, just because the fame experienced as it was for my parents caused me a lot of anguish. Getting your art to more people is nice, but if they start to take an interest in who you hang out with, who you see, that scares me a little. I come from a background of famous people and I was the black sheep because I shied away from this thing, I even enrolled in Political Science, but then it seemed a little too much even to me…”.

The girl together with her famous mother, in turn daughter of Dario Argento

She feels like an all-round artist, she doesn’t mind dancing on the dance floor. Anna Lou would also be happy to win. But the thing that interests her most is one: I would like my participation to help broaden horizons a little.. I am not Gandhi and I do not want to subvert the system, but perhaps it is time to truly believe that the habit does not make the man”.

Source: www.gossip.it