“If you don’t use it, it gets worse”… 6 ways to keep your brain young

You need to exercise your brain, eat nutritious fish often, and fight inflammation.

“If you don’t use it, it gets worse”… 6 ways to keep your brain young
You can prevent rapid decline by exercising your brain through reading and other activities. (Photo = Clip Art Korea)

The brain is constantly evolving. Because of this, there are research results that show that it is constantly being modified, remodeled, improved, or deteriorated depending on how it is used. Ultimately, if you leave your brain unused, you will lose its excellent functions without ever being able to use them. In relation to this, we looked into ways to keep your brain in good condition based on materials from the American health and medical media outlet ‘Everyday Health’.

Exercise regularly=As we age, brain cell production slows down and brain tissue gradually shrinks in size. However, regular exercise can reverse this aging phenomenon. Studies have shown that regular exercise increases the amount of blood flowing to the brain, increasing oxygen supply and thus significantly increasing brain tissue.

Eat fish often=It is recommended to eat fish at least twice a week. If you are a vegetarian, you can take fish oil supplements. Studies have shown that people who eat fish often have increased intelligence in language and spatial vision. It is known that the good oils in fish increase blood flow to the brain, just like exercise.

Anti-inflammation=When inflammation occurs in the body, toxins, infections, and harmful oxygen are also produced. Studies have shown that any type of inflammation has been linked to lower intelligence levels by negatively affecting mental functioning. Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants in foods have the effect of fighting inflammation.

Meditation=People living in modern times are running around in a hectic schedule with no time to breathe. The various thoughts and worries that are always filling their heads affect their thinking ability and other brain functions. Meditation is one of the old ways to revitalize the mind and improve cognitive function.

By practicing meditation, such as quiet and focused breathing, you can free yourself from various activities and thoughts. If you meditate regularly, you can keep your mind in a deep state of peace, which can improve brain functions such as concentration and memory.

Stress relief=According to a research team at the University of California, the hippocampus, which is involved in long-term memory, shrinks when you are repeatedly stressed. In addition, in order to always keep your mind sharp, you need to fight off stress-induced aging.

To prevent stress-related aging, it is important to create stress ‘disruptors’ in your daily life. For example, it is good to take a break of about 5 minutes once a day and do absolutely nothing during this time to calm your mind.

Brain Exercise=Like other parts of the body, the brain needs exercise to stay healthy. Brain efficiency increases when you use your brain by solving difficult but fun problems like crossword puzzles or Sudoku or by reading books.

Source: kormedi.com