If you lose weight too quickly, you’ll get a yo-yo effect right away?… 7 common diet tips you can ignore

There are many unverified myths such as “Be sure to eat breakfast” and “Don’t eat fat at all.”

If you lose weight too quickly, you’ll get a yo-yo effect right away?… 7 common diet tips you can ignore
There are many unverified myths regarding diet. (Photo = Clip Art Korea)

“I did this and it started to fall out, but it didn’t fall out,” “I ate something and it started to fall out,” etc… . There are many myths about dieting. These floating stories need verification. In relation to this, we looked into incorrect theories about weight loss that can be ignored based on data from the American health and medical media outlet ‘Healthline’.

If you lose weight quickly, will the ‘yo-yo’ effect come immediately?= People often say, “You have to lose weight slowly, and if you lose it quickly, the yo-yo effect of gaining weight again happens.”

Recent research shows that while losing weight slowly is a good idea, rapid weight loss does not necessarily increase the risk of yo-yoing. In reality, losing weight quickly helps with long-term weight loss.

One study found that people who lost weight quickly in the first month were five times more likely to have lost 10% of their body weight within 18 months than those who lost weight slowly. However, reducing calories to an extremely low level may result in rapid initial weight loss, but it may be difficult to sustain, so it is best to find a healthy way to lose weight.

Should you always eat breakfast even if you’re not hungry?=You may have heard the advice to eat breakfast when you wake up to boost your metabolism. Many people believe that breakfast is important for weight control.

However, some experts say, “Eating breakfast does not necessarily help with weight loss.” In fact, eating or skipping breakfast has little effect on your weight.

One study found that people who skipped breakfast ate 144 more calories at lunch than those who ate breakfast, but consumed 408 fewer calories per day than others. Some claim that skipping breakfast can help you lose weight as a form of intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting also has health benefits. There is no reason to eat breakfast if you are not hungry. If you eat breakfast, it is a good idea to eat food rich in protein to avoid overeating at lunch.

Focus on aerobic exercise?=Aerobic exercise, also known as cardiovascular exercise, reduces stress levels and benefits your heart and overall health. It’s not the best exercise strategy for losing weight.

Some people lose weight when they do aerobic exercise, but some people maintain or even gain weight through aerobic exercise. As such, whether aerobic exercise affects body weight varies from person to person. The best strategy to maintain muscle mass while losing weight is to combine strength training and aerobic exercise.

Eat little fat?=Not all fats are bad for your health, and avoiding fatty foods does not necessarily help you lose weight. Fat contains twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates and takes longer to digest.

You may think that limiting your fat intake will reduce your calorie intake and cause you to lose weight. Studies have shown that standard low-fat diets with less than 30% of calories from fat have little effect on weight loss. This is compared to low-carbohydrate diets and other diets that show meaningful results.

Foods high in natural fats, such as avocados, nuts, and coconut, can help with weight loss. Additionally, dairy products contain conjugated linoleic acid (a type of omega-6), and studies have shown that eating it helps with weight loss by regulating body fat and leptin secretion (a hormone secreted from body fat that helps control body weight).

Adding too much fat artificially to your food is not helpful. Adding too much fat can make your calories too high for you to lose weight. Also, if you eat fat-free or low-fat products, check to see if they contain refined sugar.

Eat little and often, every two or three hours?=Some say that eating small amounts frequently is effective. In one study, food with the same calories was given to one group over two generous meals, while another group was given seven meals. The research team found that there was no difference in calorie burning between the two groups.

Some studies have shown that eating small amounts throughout the day does not result in greater weight loss compared to eating three or fewer meals a day. If you eat frequently, you run the risk of consuming more calories than your body needs.

Obsessed with your calorie intake?= It is necessary to restrict calories to lose weight, but that alone is not enough. What you eat affects your weight-regulating hormones.

Eating 100 calories of pretzels is completely different from eating the same calories of fruit. Pretzels are made with refined carbohydrates, which increase blood sugar levels and cause hunger.

On the other hand, consuming the same amount of calories from high-protein foods creates a feeling of fullness and reduces hunger. Protein has a higher burning effect than carbohydrates or fat. This means that protein causes you to burn more calories.

Even if you restrict calories, it is very difficult to accurately measure how much you are eating each day. One study found that obese people underestimated their actual food intake by an average of 47%.

Is juice cleansing effective for dieting?= Juice cleansing advertisements such as “Drink 00 juice for just a week and your body will change” are common on social media. It is also very popular. Advertisements claim that a juice cleanse can detoxify your body and help you lose up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) per week.

There is little research showing that juice cleanses are safe or effective. In one study, women drank less than 500 calories of a lemon juice and syrup mixture for seven days. Although weight loss occurred due to low calories, it is difficult to say that this will be sustainable.

The problem is that juice cleanses do not establish the healthy eating habits necessary to maintain weight loss. Moreover, juices are usually high in sugar and low in protein, which is an unhealthy combination for appetite control and health.

Source: kormedi.com