“I’m 78 and I look 57 thanks to this ideal dinner menu”

A person’s age is determined by the passage of time, while their biological age is linked to the state of their metabolism, which can be influenced by lifestyle and personal choices.

Sleep habits, diet, exposure to pollution and physical activity can affect this biological age. Although there is no scientific consensus or officially recognized method for measuring this age, many doctors claim to have succeeded in slowing down their biological aging. Dr Michael Roizen, an anesthetist and director of wellness at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, USA, claims to have reduced his biological age by 20 years, bringing it down to 57.6 years. He shares his dietary advice with Business Insider.

1/ Favor whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, proteins and low-fat dairy products

The Mediterranean diet, also called Cretan diet, is inspired by the eating habits of Mediterranean populations. This diet is often associated with the idea of ​​sharing meals with family or friends, taking the time to savor the dishes in a relaxed atmosphere.

Researchers regularly tout the many health benefits of this diet. It is known to strengthen the immune system and the heart, while reducing the risks of type 2 diabetes, obesity and bad cholesterol.

This diet emphasizes whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, protein and low-fat dairy, while limiting the consumption of red meat, processed foods and alcohol. For Dr. Roizen, his main sources of animal protein are trout and salmon, which are rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.

2/ Eat a hearty meal for breakfast and a light meal for dinner

You probably know the adage which consists of saying “in the morning, you must eat like a king, at midday like a prince and in the evening like a pauper”? Dr. Roizen eats like a king at lunch and like a pauper at dinner. Many studies have shown that metabolism is higher in the morning. The energy expenditure process of the digestion process would be more important at the start of the day when many more calories would be burned. In official recommendations, we often hear that breakfast should correspond to 25% of the total caloric intake of a day, lunch to 40-45%, snack, when snack there is, to 5% and dinner at 25-30%.

In fact, eating lightly promotes digestion and allows for a better night’s sleep. “Lighter dinner ensures better sleep. However, when we lack sleep, we secrete a hormone called ghrelin which opens our appetite and therefore the desire to eat. So, the lighter but balanced we eat, because it is not a question of eliminating this meal, the better we will sleep, explained nutritionist doctor Laurent Chevallier in an article Top Health published in 2021. What’s more, a better quality of sleep remains the guarantee of the absence of cravings or loss of food control”.

The ideal menu for dinner? “A portion of animal or vegetable proteins (100 to 150 g) with vegetables, a starch or dried vegetables in small quantities, yogurt and a fresh or stewed fruit, and you have a light but substantial dinner that will not make you not gain weight, advises the nutritionist. Provided, however, that you remain reasonable in terms of quantities and avoid bad fat with fried foods, for example.

3/ Imitate the effects of fasting 5 days per month

For seven years, in addition to the habits listed above, Dr. Roizen has also followed the longevity diet developed by Valter Longo, professor of gerontology and director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California (USA). Unis), which involves restricting calories five days a month to mimic the effects of fasting. Lasting five days, this diet tolerates caloric intake but these must be reduced by half to be below 1000 calories per day. They must therefore consist of vegetables (broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, etc.) and oilseeds and can be divided between three meals, or two to which a snack can be added.

According to work carried out by Valter Longo, participants subjected to his diet would have a biological age 2 and a half years lower on average after three months of dieting. In detail, during the study, they consumed around 1000 calories on the first day then around 700 calories on the second to fifth days.

4/ Eat your meals between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Every day, Dr. Roizen practices intermittent fasting by eating between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. only. If the data relating to the impact of intermittent fasting sometimes contradict each other, the medical profession having not yet managed to agree on the subject, the doctor says he appreciates following this protocol. “At the end of this 16-hour period, I feel in great shape and very energetic. I sleep much better and feel like I have a lot more energy. »

Extra advice

In April, it was another American doctor, Dr. Mark Hyman, author of the book Young Foreverwho gave his longevity advice to the press. Claiming to have a biological age of 40 for 64, he declared in particular to start his day with a 20-minute meditation session (after waking up at 6 a.m.), before drinking coffee and describing. He also explained that he followed a bodybuilding routine which would have allowed him to overcome his back pain and develop his muscles. Finally, he insisted on the importance of his breakfast, consisting of red fruits, chia seeds and hemp.

Source: www.topsante.com