“I’m a neurologist and this is what you should do for 30 minutes a day to live to be 100”

Do you think longevity is a matter of luck, or genes? That’s not the opinion of board-certified neurologist Dr. Meredith Bock. For her, although it may seem impossible for young people, almost everyone can contribute to increasing their longevity and quality of life. “ Although genes play a role in how long we live, there is still much we can do to improve our habits “, she said. “ Take care of your body when you’re young, and it will take care of you as you age, helping you stay independent and active longer. »

To understand which habits are the most effective for gaining longevity, doctors and experts have shared Real Simple tips for a long, healthy and happy life. Because it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself.

Quality sleep

Rest is an essential part of healthy, happy aging, says Jamie Gabel, a physician assistant at Shafer Clinic’s Metabolic Longevity Center. “ This is one of the most important elements, if not THE most important “, he said. Consider effective sleep hygiene habits such as reducing screen time, establishing a relaxing nighttime routine, and avoiding stressful bedroom activities to help you achieve those precious eight hours of sleep each night.

Stay cognitively active

Cognitive function plays an important role in aging. “ Scientists have discovered that pursuing further study leads to greater cognitive reserve “, explains Doctor Meredith Bock. “ This is your brain’s ability to solve problems, improvise, and find alternative ways to accomplish tasks. » Signing up for classes, joining a club or taking up a new hobby are just a few examples of how to keep your cognitive skills sharp and ensure healthy aging. It’s never too late to learn something new.

Meditate regularly

Among the many benefits of meditation, we find longevity. Meditation helps reduce stress, explains Jamie Gabel to Real Simple, especially when practiced after waking up and/or just before bed. In addition, it is linked to optimal sleep.

Limit alcohol

« Drinking more than three alcoholic drinks a day regularly can lead to a decrease in brain size and cause problems with memory and thinking.insists Doctor Meredith Bock. While this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a glass of wine every now and then, be mindful of the amount and frequency of your alcohol consumption.

Wear hearing aids if necessary

Wearing hearing aids does more than amplify the sounds around you. “ When conversations become difficult to follow, our brains miss out on important stimulation, which can increase the risk of dementia », continues Meredith Bock. Although some people find adjusting to hearing aids a little difficult, studies have shown that they can reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Eat healthy

It may seem obvious, but choosing a healthy diet is essential to aging well. The Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes the consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, has been proven to improve our brain health. Make sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables throughout your life.

Exercise regularly

« I recommend exercising at least 30 minutes a day », advises Meredith Bock. “ Be creative by finding an activity you enjoy: gardening, hiking, tennis, or yoga are all great options. » Consistency is more important than quality or acquired skills.

Managing chronic illnesses

Although the impact of chronic illnesses is often beyond our control, regular monitoring can have more benefits than we think. Effective management of these diseases will help our “ complex network of blood vessels to deliver oxygen and essential nutrients to brain cells “, explains Dr. Bock.

Maintain social connections

Having social contacts is a life habit that makes us happy and keeps us healthy. “ Studies show that having social contacts can help us keep our minds sharp and reduce the risk of dementia “, she says. Whether you eat dinner with your family every night or call home once a week, these simple habits help maintain your cognitive function.

Source: www.topsante.com