I’m a pharmacist and this old medicine is my favorite for bloating

Why are we bloated?

The gases come from air swallowed in too large a quantity (aerophagia) which dilates the digestive tract, but even more from the presence of bacteria, located in particular in the colon, whose role in the decomposition of food can be accompanied by the production of hydrogen sulphide, a smelly gas if ever there was one.

Stress, constipation, pregnancy reinforce the bloating. Finally, certain so-called ballast laxatives, because they are rich in fiber, also stand out well in this area.

Foods to favor…and those to avoid

Foods that limit the risk of bloating are those that have weak fermentation, or even promote the expulsion of gas: artichoke, fennel, lettuce, strawberries, kiwi, poultry, eggs, brown rice , quinoa, bulgur… And to flavor your recipes, use cumin, coriander or dill.

The list is long, but the foods that generally leave bad memories are white beans, Brussels sprouts, onions, salsify and other celery, prunes, raisins and apricots. Piano-piano also on soft drinks, sweets and chewing gum!

An old medicine…that has proven itself

Transformed into a very fine powder, activated charcoal is an intestinal absorbent, that is to say it retains gases to eliminate them before they cause their unpleasant effects. Two capsules 2 to 3 times a day are necessary for 5 to 10 days.

What we like in Belloc coal: its approach as “vintage” as it is natural. If the stools are darker than usual, don’t worry. The lower performance of usual treatments can be more problematic. Hence the imperative to take any other medication more than 2 hours from charcoal.

How much does it cost? €11.90 for 36 capsules; €14.90 for 60 capsules. Lab. Urgo Healthcare. In pharmacy.

Source: www.topsante.com