Impact Day, the largest sustainability festival in the region, brings real top performers

10.-12. to October, the sustainability festival Impact Day will take place for the third time at the Põhjala factory in Tallinn, which will bring the real tops of their fields from different parts of the world.

  • Impact Day, the largest sustainability festival in the region, brings real top performers Photo: Kiur Kaasik

More than 150 speakers will perform at the event, and more than 60 companies will be present. There is no better time and place to get to know sustainability leaders and also make your company visible.

According to Impact Day co-founder Erkki Kubber, the festival aimed at sustainability and promoting B2B partnerships has grown significantly, bringing more and more speakers and participants every year.

Taking place in October, the event focuses on the theme “less is more”, which aims to minimize the overuse of resources.

“There are more regulations and laws and requirements regarding sustainability every year. Having a sustainability expert in the company who has to manage it all alone can be quite difficult. Last year, the head of an energy company appeared at the festival, who later said that until now he felt like a lone wolf when speaking about ESG issues, but seeing the thousands of people sitting in the hall who were affected by the same thing, his feelings changed. Impact Day is the place where like-minded people come together. Experts in their field will arrive from 13 different countries, who will share their recommendations and make the choices of others much easier with their advice. It is a place where you can find like-minded people, fresh ideas and knowledge on how to realize thoughts and ideas and go further with actions,” says Kubber.

One of the most exciting speakers at the festival is Jeremy Schwartz, former marketing director of Coca-Cola and L’Oreal, who will talk about how to turn large companies towards sustainability. Clover Hogan, a well-known English climate activist, will appear from quite another extreme.

Mis on Impact Day?

Impact Day is 10-12 to October, the sustainability festival taking place at the Põhjala factory in Tallinn, with over 3,000 participants and nearly 100 sessions.

It is the largest sustainability-themed event in the Nordic and Baltic region, with a very diverse range of topics. Discussions include measuring impact, energy, sustainability in leadership culture, transportation, reducing personal and corporate footprints, impact investing and more. The focus of the event is on presentations, discussions and panels, and there is also a large EXPO area waiting on site.

Until September 27, Impact Day tickets are 30% off. Additional information and passes can be found on the festival website

Among others, the following will perform on Impact Day:

  • Jeremy Schwartz (former Coca-Cola and L’Oreal figurehead)
  • Mohammed Qahtani (World Public Speaking Champion 2015)
  • Martin Villig (Bolt co-founder)
  • Jos de Blok (founder and CEO of Buurtzorg)
  • Clover Hogan (climate activist and founder of Force of Nature)
  • Anete Garoza (highly regarded international climate lawyer and member of the Forbes 30 under 30 list)
  • Heiti Hääl (founder and owner of Alexela Group)
  • Minna Kröger (Elisa sustainability manager)
  • Annika Arras (Miltton New Nordics, CEO)
  • Kristjan Kuhi (Enefit Group, board member)
  • Reet Aus (founder of Aus Design and Upmade)
  • Mihkel Nestor (SEB economic analyst)
  • Jaan Aru (neuroscientist)
You can watch a video summarizing the 2023 event here.

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