Important things you should know if you tend to be (over)emotional in love

Here’s what you should do if you’re (over)emotional and want a love story that works.

Ah, the love that overwhelms you and makes you feel so incredibly confused, that fire that keeps you alive and makes you crazy and makes you feel like you’re constantly prey to your emotions.

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The problem is that positive emotions coexist with negative ones and in love, especially at the beginning, fear can take over. Therefore, if you are a very emotional person who wants to have a stable and permanent relationship (and that, as soon as possible!), you should recognize this and restrain yourself at least a little.

Here’s how!

If you are past your teenage years, you shouldn’t immediately stage everything you feel.

You risk coming across as a crazy psychopath who can’t control his hormones. This does not mean that you should lie, but simply that you should give yourself time to understand what you are feeling.

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Relax a little, take a breath, wait and take the time to understand each other, only then can you find the right way to share with your partner what you feel.

Put that phone down now! OK, you miss him, but let him feel it too, don’t rush to text him right away.

If you live indulging in your emotional outbursts, it means that you do not manage your emotions, you run the risk of overwhelming (suffocating) those in front of you, like an exploding dam and scaring them.

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Instead of suffocating your new romantic partner with your insecurities and feelings, ask yourself why you feel the way you do and don’t hand your insecurities to them on a platter in constant demand for attention and validation.

Try to be a calm flowing river (that he wants to surrender to), not some kind of tsunami that threatens him (and runs away from).

You have to take responsibility for your emotions, that is, how you feel!

No one can manage your emotions, you and only you are the ones who have to learn it and you cannot in any way accuse others of not understanding you or accepting who you are.

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If you feel fragile and insecure, it’s not always the fault of the poor guy who decided to date you, there are no men to save you from your insecurities, you should do it yourself.

Only when you understand how to moderate your negative emotions can you be in a healthy relationship with another person.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Being an emotional person does not mean making a mistake: you don’t have to change, the ability to feel life’s moments in a very intense and true way is also born from emotionality.

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Don’t blame yourself, you just have to learn to manage your emotions and use this quality to your advantage. If you learn to know how to love yourself, it will be easier for you (everyone).

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

There are also middle ways, especially in the beginning of the story, he cannot be the man of your life or the worst person on earth, depending on the day of the week.

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It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, learn to enjoy the moments of calm, the ones where the things you feel settle down: it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you anymore, it’s just a natural way for him to make the story evolve.

Fear is one of the emotions that least allows you to be happy, and facing a relationship with fear that the relationship can end is the first way you can sabotage yourself.

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And to really end the relationship before time, even if it wasn’t headed in that direction.

Because fear is a powerful emotion and has the power to divert things from the right path. Let things take their course. Step by step.

You need to have courage, try not to live the new story in the shadow of failure (of previous relationships).

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Try to live the relationship lightly and not too seriously. You have lived your whole life without him, you have survived worse things and even more than that.

Living freely is the best chance for your relationship to succeed. Love requires space and freedom to grow and expand. The clamps strangle and suffocate her.

Facts speak more about emotional manifestations. Learn to speak the facts, show what you are and what you feel in everyday things, with constancy and firmness.

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You don’t need super explosive events and a romantic movie for people to understand what you feel or to be sure that they really love you.

Men who rush to say they love you are often the ones who leave as soon as the wind changes.

If you start a relationship with the fear that nothing will come of it, that you will lose it and if it does, you will only (again) suffer horribly because of the breakupyou will not do yourself a great favor – on the contrary, you will do everything to keep it alive, even stepping over yourself again and again to end up with something that, in essence, either does not satisfy you at all or only feeds you with a few crumbs.

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Is that what you really want?

Tell yourself that no matter what happens, you’ll be okay and move on if the relationship doesn’t make you happy, because whatever happens, everything really will be okay – and if it wasn’t what you needed, for the best what you can do for yourself is to put it behind you and move on.

Who knows – maybe that very experience will lead you to the one that will satisfy you completely.

There is no success without risk, even in love! Take the risk to live freely!
