In KS “Svilara” an exhibition of paintings by an artist from Bolivia (PHOTO)

In the CULTURAL station “Svilara” in Novi Sad, an EXHIBITION of paintings by the famous Bolivian artist Patricija Marijaka “Heart of the Amazon” was opened in the CULTURAL station “Svilara”, it will last until October 8 and can be viewed every day from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. .

Sunčica Marković, assistant director of the Cultural Center of Novi Sad, and Violeta Đerković, coordinator of the Network of Cultural Stations, greeted the visitors on behalf of the hosts.

Patricija Marijaka said that the liquid embrace of the Amazon comes to us from the deep roots of the rainforest and brings with it ancient stories and whispers of ancestors.

– The works of this exhibition sail from the heart of the Amazon to Serbia to remind us to touch and think about this river, which is both real and symbolic. A place on the planet that belongs to everyone. Without Amazon, life is a shipwreck. And let every stroke of the brush invite us to continue sailing safely in our canoes. – said the artist.

Curator Cecilia Baja Botti pointed out that in the displayed works “we feel the power of the landscape and the canoes that evoke life’s journey, our journey, which lasts nothing more than a moment”.

– Patricija Marijaka is an artist who invites us to think about the presence of people on earth, migrations, nature and its forms, and insists on very important aesthetic solutions, taking into account the beauty and state of mind of her works. Thus, it confirms to us how important the coexistence of the spirit and the matter of a work that, in the end, will spend many years in the privacy of our homes – is the message of Cecilia Baja Bota.

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