In order for the ornamental garden to be beautiful in the spring, you need to arrange the beds today

If we want to have beautiful flower beds in the spring, we have to think about them now and prepare them accordingly. Don’t forget the decorative bulbs, provide them with a suitable place and plan different plantings.

It is true that we have barely stepped into autumn, but hard-working gardeners who want a well-groomed environment and flower beds must already be thinking about the coming spring and the flowers that will adjust to the spring sun. Among the first flowering plants to peek out of the ground are undoubtedly bluebells, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, ornamental onions and the list goes on. If they are already sown, we can consider changes to the beds, otherwise we can design new plantings that can be divided by color and shape, we can be especially creative with tulips.

Autumn is the perfect time for an ornamental garden

Now is the time to make a good plan and roll up our sleeves. First of all, consider what and where you would like to plant and which bulbs. When planning, consider the recommended distance and the area you have available. This will help you plan the number of bulbs. Also consider the height of each species and variety and where you will plant it. For example, it is wise to plant onions at the back, as they are very tall and will stand out even more if you plant lower-growing plants next to them.

Do not forget about fertilization

Even before you start planting bulbs, don’t forget to dig the beds well and check whether centipedes, weevils and other garden pests are hiding in them. We also advise you to add compost or a long-acting fertilizer every fall. Stable manure works well, but with care, adding it every three years will be enough. If you do not manage to do this in the fall, fertilize in the spring, before the leaves grow, but then it is often quite difficult, because the ground is still quite frozen. Additional fertilization is recommended during growth so that there will be enough food later to fill the bulbs.

Flowering time

Also plan the flowering time of the bulbs and consider whether you want to have beds with bulbs that will bloom for a very long time, or ones where all the bulbs will bloom at the same time. We advise you to plant tulips in groups of no more than ten bulbs. Plant groups of the same or contrasting colors and combine them with other ornamental bulbs. Daffodil bulbs are also easy to grow and can be planted around the vegetable garden. This way we will have a double benefit. Daffodil bulbs come in a variety of shapes and patterns, but they are also poisonous, so rodents and some other pests avoid them.

Saffrons and hyacinths

Some saffrons or crocuses are plants that surprise even twice a year – in spring and autumn. They are also suitable for planting in the home lawn, as they will flower before the grass is ready for mowing. They also look great in flower beds and on terraces, in front of the house, on balconies or terraces. Hyacinths can be grown in a pot and can be a wonderful decoration of your home or on decorative beds. If you are going to grow them in pots, remember that they have a distinct smell that can also lead to headaches. And regardless of where you grow them, remember that they should be fertilized and watered regularly when they bloom, until the leaves start to turn yellow.

Plant ornamental onions

Decorative bow bulbs are also extremely grateful and easy to grow. These belong to the higher decorative plants and are a wonderful decoration of flower beds and bush plantings, they are suitable for both bouquets and cut flowers. With their large inflorescence in the spring months, proudly displayed on a long stem, they will charm many a walker or observer of your flower beds. And that’s not all, decorative onions will bloom for almost a month, and they will also be excellent pasture for bees, which will return to meadows and flowerbeds after the cold winter.
