In Slovakia last year, 429 newly recognized…

From Slovakia

Last year, occupational disease mainly affected workers aged 50 to 54 (89 cases).

Source: TASR/Adriána Hudecová

It was also common in people aged 55 to 59 (86 cases).
“The most common occupational disease was caused by the infection of COVID-19 (103 cases), followed by carpal tunnel syndrome (79 cases) and lateral epicondylitis (49 cases),”

this follows from the data published on the website by the National Center for Health Information (NCZI).

In which areas?

Last year, 429 newly diagnosed occupational diseases were recorded in Slovakia. The highest occurrence was in the area of ​​industrial production (172 cases).

People working in healthcare and social assistance (128 cases), mining and quarrying (65 cases) often suffered from occupational diseases. This follows from data published on the website by the National Center for Health Information (NCZI).

“In 2023, 429 newly recognized occupational diseases were reported in Slovakia, almost a fifth less than the previous year. The most common were diseases of the bones, joints, tendons and nerves of the limbs from excessive strain and infectious diseases. Men developed an occupational disease mainly while working in the field of industrial production, while women mainly worked in health care and social assistance.

zoomed in on the center.

More often women

Last year, women suffered from occupational diseases more often (17.6 cases per 100,000 working women, 216 in number) than men (15.4 per 100,000 working men, 213 in number).

“Between 2001 and 2018, a higher rate of newly diagnosed occupational diseases was reported in men than in women, then in 2019 this trend changed and since then a higher rate has been reported in women. The increase in incidence among women in 2021 and 2022 was mainly due to the pandemic period, when women working in the healthcare sector developed an occupational disease as a result of the infection of COVID-19,” added NCZI.

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Source: TASR
